What's up Guardians! realTKOgaming is Looking for skilled crucible players to make a few cool videos with and of course to team up and go on an insane win streak in crucible! Our friendship will go further than just crucible, we will own together in all raids lol including HoW (when it comes out).
requirements are not that crazy---
[b]2.DON'T BE A DOUCHE.[/b]
[u][b]Post your Gamertag, K/D, and preferred class BELOW.[/b][/u]
*** https://youtube.com/channel/UCzaFmntUCufCMJADMUWeutw
[b]^^^Here is a link to my channel in case you guys wanted to see the way I play. I have crucible game play as well as detailed tutorials on how to beat CROTA with EASE!! Along with some cool glitches and challenges[/b]
I also solo CROTA in under 2 minutes while beatboxing =P All videos are on my channel videos.
***ALSO, if you don't meet the requirements. This isn't a post to put you down. I love playing with viewers on my stream who may suck ass but are awesome people!
If you wanna play just follow Twitter for stream updates and join in while I broadcast :)
[b]Twitter:[/b] http://www.twitter.com/realTKOgaming
Keep this post alive, I hope that people find other friendly guardians to OWN with in crucible. Just post your gamertag, k/d, and preferred character. Or if you have all, list em :)
Stay Healthy GUARDIANS!
GT: Xizek (360 or xbone have both) Hunter (working on warlock rumble 3.0 KD) Control/clash KD roughly 2.5 Rumble 3.0+