For nerfing my favorite weapon class, handcannons in no way needed a nerf in [b]PVE[/b] why not just give the needed range debuff in pvp alone? Most engagements in PVE are mid to long.
Why not fix the kids cheesing the raid you guys "fixed", or maybe the heavy ammo bug, or mayhaps fixing the black hammer and word of crota? Maybe more vault space? Or all the glitches in the crota raid? Instead we get a weapons patch because of PVP players bitching?
I agree pulse rifles needed a buff, it should have been done months ago when you guys did nothing. Auto rifles are worthless in pve now and after the patch even more so. (Necro even more so)
Edit: keep replying guys maybe deej will see this post and change his mind!!!
Edit: maybe Deej will see this keep em coming!
Edit: Over 100 reps keep em comming.
Edit: over 200 reps guys keep em coming
Edit: we are trending guys. I appreciate all the trolls, and the "deej is the community manager" comments without you we couldn't have done it. Maybe Deej will see this. And relay the message
Edit: over 300 keep it going team
Edit: Over 700
It's not DeeJ's choice. He says what he is told to.
Lol, dj has nothing to do with that bud.
You saw that vid of deej getting tbagged by a tlw user? He minded that
Deej had nothing to do with this. It was even his post. Reread the first sentence in it...
Yeah because 2 shots to the head is totally fair to kill someone with. Oh wait no it's not.
Yeah. DeeJ totally did this. WTF is wrong with you?
Edited by KingCutlass79: 2/5/2015 10:51:43 PMFirst of all, here is a tissue…… Feel better? Now, all that's being done is a range adjustment so you can't be op and snipe with it. Second, I'm sure that it's TOTALLY deej's fault for the changes. That's like blaming the person in a Burger King drive thru for your mechanic scratching your car. I think I need a bigger container, it's getting a little salty in here.
Well said
Bungie did amazingly with all the weapon changes. Everything they did in this update was needed
Only nerf is to range calm down
If they were useless then I guess the majority of the players like to use useless items huh?
Edited by Ko-: 2/5/2015 10:38:20 PMThis community is ridiculous. When Bungie attempted to patch CE, almost everyone was giving them flak for not addressing Crucible issues, vault space, etc. Why is it that now when they are starting to release fixes for all that does everybody get butt hurt? Edit: DON'T JUDGE THE SEVERITY OF THE PATCH BY THE PATCH NOTES. YOU PROBABLY WON'T EVEN NOTICE IT