For nerfing my favorite weapon class, handcannons in no way needed a nerf in [b]PVE[/b] why not just give the needed range debuff in pvp alone? Most engagements in PVE are mid to long.
Why not fix the kids cheesing the raid you guys "fixed", or maybe the heavy ammo bug, or mayhaps fixing the black hammer and word of crota? Maybe more vault space? Or all the glitches in the crota raid? Instead we get a weapons patch because of PVP players bitching?
I agree pulse rifles needed a buff, it should have been done months ago when you guys did nothing. Auto rifles are worthless in pve now and after the patch even more so. (Necro even more so)
Edit: keep replying guys maybe deej will see this post and change his mind!!!
Edit: maybe Deej will see this keep em coming!
Edit: Over 100 reps keep em comming.
Edit: over 200 reps guys keep em coming
Edit: we are trending guys. I appreciate all the trolls, and the "deej is the community manager" comments without you we couldn't have done it. Maybe Deej will see this. And relay the message
Edit: over 300 keep it going team
Edit: Over 700
Destiny is dead.. Bungie are just on hell bent on destroying it and driving away players
''maybe deej will see this post'' You reckon? I think he's too busy not playing in that PvP event he advertised :D
I started to read the article about the update, but they lost me at "...result of listening to feedback from the community..." The same old BULL SHIT that spews out of Bungie's ass hats, Deej included, has become comical- especially when they justify their bogus changes with the 'listening to the community' lie. The only 'community' Bungie actually seems to listen to is the PvP community. But for -blam!-'s sake- PvP has destroyed the game. "Nerf this, Buff that, wah wah wah!!"- all of this bitching because PvP -blam!-tards with blue pea-shooters can't stand getting owned by a Vex or Suros. Therefore, Bungie spends so much time trying to 'level the playing field' in PvP, that the true heart of the game- PvE, has basically turned to utter garbage with busted raids, repetitive bounties, miniscule vault space, and worthless rewards. Thanks for another worthless update Bungee...
Same. Screw you bungievision- have fun with the last dollars you will ever get from me.
Good bye Destiny.... It was fun while it lasted.. I got my money's worth so I can't complain.. I am finally throwing in the towel..
It's 2.5% cry more.
They never read anything
I can't believe they thought it would be okay to nerf a weapon class 4 -blam!-ing times! Like really? Necrochasm desperately needs a buff and instead it gets a nerf? Wtf? Wow! Who ever thought up of this idea needs to be fired.
First off into your not going to notice the nerf, unless bungie messes up (which they might). Its a very small nerf only to make sure you can't use a handcannon like a scout rifle. And btw Deej isn't the one to blame, hes just the messenger.
They are just decreasing the range on them put in a new tampon and call down
Bungie denies controlling Xur? Not buying it. A month without selling heavy synth? A slap in the face. If they don't fix fault space im NOT buying HoW since my vault is full and I'm not going to dismantle my fatebringer!
Typical. They're worried about weapons, but clearly not the important shit. I love this game, but once you fùck with my hand cannons I lose all respect and hope. Fùck these assholes thinking this is what we need.
Why is it Deej's fault
Love how you cant respond to the nerf post directly. Shows how much they care about our feedback on it. Obviously they already know its a dick move and dont want to deal with the community outrage. And no mention of vault space upgrade. Such a steaming pile of horse shit this is.
Yeah because DeeJ is definitely the entire team in charge of Crucible. In fact im pretty sure he's not the community manager at all (whose job is to report to the community and not much more than that) but is secretly running all of Bungie by himself. We should all blame DeeJ for being the one person that single handedly decides what happens to Destiny, and slander his name for all of time.
But, but....this update will quell the flood of "pulse rifles need a buff!" posts! #sarcasm I have never seen anyone give a shit about pr's, nor even use one (aside from red death and bad juju) why the hell? Every primary seems to be a little [i]too[/i] effective, so let's just nerf it all, except pulse rifles, those things are terrible
Don't even read the updates from deej now... goes like this. "All in the galaxy there are bugs. Our game is riddled with them, as we drop destiny and play some stupid office games and drink beer. We listen to the community but do the opposite. We are trying to get people literally addicted to our game by giving a quick sense of satisfaction followed by half a year of monotonous grinding..We like donuts." Blah.
First of all I am with you on ther hole nerf thing, These guns should not be touched but do not blame Deej. Deej is not on the Development team and he does not make these decision he is only a PR for Bungie.
I liked the update because I had 10 legendary pulses with no use thank for the buff on them
[b]"One Step Forward, Two Steps Back." -Bungie[/b]
Don't shoot the messenger
There isn't one person working on the game. It's a team of developers who have their own portions of game design they are responsible for. So the person testing and balancing weapons is not the same person who would be working on vault space or fixing glitches. Game design is not a single file line. So saying something like "why do you spend time netting guns and not adding vault space?" is a bit daft. That said, we all want them to fix the problems in the game, but these changes don't really have anything to do with that. We'll adjust to the weapon changes and it'll be fine.
its funny how for the past few weeks we havent had any changes or anything just some random community focus bullshit and this week they decide to nerf/buff shit. Like, were the stats not the same or relatively the same the past few weeks? Wtf are they doing with their time? I get it they're developing the next dlc and all, but what about the other developers? they cant all be working of the -blam!-ing dlc.
Because as a community manager deej has full control over the outcome of the development process. He codes the game all by his loneae and also owns activision to boot. All hail Deej, mighty lord of bungie! He's a glorified troll who gets paid well for posting links to patch notes and news articles.