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Edited by Git Gud Scub: 2/8/2015 1:07:59 AM

Yup thanks Deej!

For nerfing my favorite weapon class, handcannons in no way needed a nerf in [b]PVE[/b] why not just give the needed range debuff in pvp alone? Most engagements in PVE are mid to long. Why not fix the kids cheesing the raid you guys "fixed", or maybe the heavy ammo bug, or mayhaps fixing the black hammer and word of crota? Maybe more vault space? Or all the glitches in the crota raid? Instead we get a weapons patch because of PVP players bitching? I agree pulse rifles needed a buff, it should have been done months ago when you guys did nothing. Auto rifles are worthless in pve now and after the patch even more so. (Necro even more so) Edit: keep replying guys maybe deej will see this post and change his mind!!! Edit: maybe Deej will see this keep em coming! Edit: Over 100 reps keep em comming. Edit: over 200 reps guys keep em coming Edit: we are trending guys. I appreciate all the trolls, and the "deej is the community manager" comments without you we couldn't have done it. Maybe Deej will see this. And relay the message Edit: over 300 keep it going team Edit: Over 700

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  • I don't like how they change all weapons of a type. I liked using my hard light in the smaller maps in crucible. But the last thing that gun needed was a nerf to it's range and impact. It was already outperformed by mytho at close-mid range, i have a feeling it will now be complete trash. I feel the hard light is now getting nerfed because my vanquisher and suros are too all round. Few people care for this weapon though, so i guess no tears will be shed for it.

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  • The range of the hand cannon is ridiculous for what is essentially a pistol.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by LordofChaos: 2/6/2015 9:48:54 AM
      Whaaa!!! They ruined my game!!! Whaaa!!! let me play how I want no matter what!!!! Whaaa!!! its my right to have easy ass weapons because I suck otherwise!!!! that is all this post says. If you think the hc ever took any skill at all to use in pve or pvp you are just a scrub.

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      • [quote]For nerfing my favorite weapon class, handcannons in no way needed a nerf. Why not fix the kids cheesing the raid you guys "fixed", or maybe the heavy ammo bug, or mayhaps fixing the black hammer and word of crota? Maybe more vault space? Or all the glitches in the crota raid? You know the shit we have been asking for! I agree pulse rifles needed a buff, it should have been done months ago when you guys did nothing. Auto rifles are worthless in pve now and after the patch even more so. Edit: keep replying guys maybe deej will see this post and change his mind!!! Edit: maybe Deej will see this keep em coming! Edit: Over 100 reps keep em comming. Edit: over 200 reps guys keep em coming Edit: we are trending guys. I appreciate all the trolls, and the "deej is the community manager" comments without you we couldn't have done it. Maybe Deej will see this. And relay the message Edit: over 300 keep it going team[/quote]

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        • I dislike it as well... but going to see how it is.

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        • people have been complaining about Bad Juju and ALL pulse rifles almost since day one they even bugged Bad Juju why didn't they just buff all PR's back then? this "weapon" thing is retarded and makes NO SENSE Nechrochasm, the exotic Raid weapon from Crota, is complete crap as it is ... well here, Bungie's got a fix for Ya! Lower its impact!

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        • ITT: People being butthurt because their favorite gun gets changed, boo-hoo-hoo. Did you not read the post? People are using hand cannons for things they were not intended to do. You were not supposed to use a hand cannon as a replacement for a sniper. Did you ever go into crucible as a non hand cannon player and dual a hand cannon with your sniper? It's ridiculous. I have to admit, that, yes, it is a bit of a bummer if you have to change your playing style. But if you can not deal with the change then you just suck as a player. Now that being said I have one single (ONE) kill logged with hand cannons, so my experience is just that. I have not found a good one to use yet, unfortunately. But even I understand that if it is more difficult to kill people in the distance with your hand cannon, than that means that weapon is not supposed to be used for killing distant targets. That is what you have scout rifles or sniper rifles for. tl;dr People want change but not as long as it makes the game more difficult for them. Stop whining and deal with the change. If you really like the gun you are still going to use it. The worst thing that can happen is you get better at other weapon types in the process.

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          13 Replies
          • Hand cannons didn't need a Nerf. Not that many people use hand cannons anyway and when they use them they're using exotic Ines. Exotics are supposed to be good. Fusion, shotgun and auto rifle range debuf, sure. Pulse rifle damage buff, hell yeh. Hand cannon range debuff. ......?

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          • Did I miss something, when did hand cannons get nerfed?

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              Deej is just a messenger. Why would you be mad at him?

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              • I'd like to thank Bungie for my 3rd -blam!-ing Hawkmoon, which dropped from Crota hard, thanks to this stupid RNG system not realizing what I already have I could have gotten a gajllarhorn, Red Death, or 4th Horesman but not instead a -blam!-ing 3rd Hawkmoon. So sick of duplicate exotic weapons. I've pretty much gotten a duplicate of every exotic besides the three I'ved listed.

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                7 Replies
                • I'll blame deej if heavy is not sold in 2 mins

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                  • Stay salty everyone!

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                  • do u really think thats on deej?

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                    • Save the hand cannons!

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                    • Handcannons got nerfed? Hmm, they might actually take skill to use now.

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                    • Muted for the multiple edits about how many posts you have. Get your attention from your parents...

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                      • DEEJ can suck my dick. Bungie doesn't give ashit about us

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                      • I didn't realize 343 took over this game to. Guns don't need to be nerfed some players do. It's a game not life.

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                      • I thought they buffed the hand cannons weeks ago because no one was using them and to make them little bit better.. Prepare yourselves for the nerf of pulse rifles in few weeks time.

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                      • I'll give you my opinion. Auto Rifles were alright, they didn't need a nerf. Pulse Rifles needed this so hard. Hand Cannons, I felt Bungie a bit biased about them(they love them), however a range nerf isn't much, nor is a slight stability one. I always pull out my rifle when the range is more than 25 meters. Shotguns, there were broken ones with shotpackage and hammerforged, but people just need to adapt, I use sniper rifles and I have adapted to avoid those, running like headless chicken then getting shot by them, is not their problem. On the other hand, I want to use shotguns in PvP for fun or some scenarios, I feel that double damage increase is really good. Fusions. I'm glad they won't be able to one shot you at range, it better still one shot at close/medium range,. I don't want anything to be useless.

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                      • Anything that makes fate bringer less effective is a good thing. Be nice to see more variety out there.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Have to say I am very dissapointed in seeing the handcannon nerf, however lets first see what this update does to the game. Judging by previous updates though, its probably going to ruin it and burn it to the ground...

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                          • Edited by Sonic Roctopus: 2/6/2015 8:35:42 AM
                            Nothing needed a change except pulse rifles. Hand cannons especially did not need a nerf.

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                          • Need a tissue for your issue? Don't like it? Play a different game. Loser

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                            3 Replies
                            • I keep my Hawkmoons in Nerf proof cases

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