If you aren't going to have much of a story for players to follow, then you need to supplement that with good gameplay, something Destiny lacks. Destiny gameplay is extremely repetitive and eventually becomes boring. Not only that, but Bungie promised us an intriguing story in the pre-alpha phase which was never delivered. With a $500 million budget, you would expect such a highly regarded company such as Bungie to at least create a passable story.
i disagree but that might just be me, destiny's gameplay is solid, the shooting is good, (aiming, controls, weapons, etc.) the movement options work fine (sprint, sparrows, interceptors, pikes, jumping abilities, etc.) and the enemies, while some can be slightly annoying, are generally fun to fight. the only thing that gets repetitive is the weekly / daily reset things, such as the nightfall, bounties and what not. unless you mean "you just shoot enemies all the time" which all i can say is, yeah when you boil a game down to its most basic concept EVERY game is repetitive, and the story, as in back story, is very intriguing, the "single player" is not the best in the world but i'll take it over something like CoD (just personal preference). and i never once saw that DESTINY itself had that big a budget, as far as i am aware that was a rumor, or a marketing budget, or a franchise budget, and unless you can provide something where bungie themselves or activision said that THIS ONE GAME ALONE cost that much im sticking with that. but it all boils down to opinion, some will like it, some will not, but just disliking it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Edited by WickedWahine808: 2/6/2015 4:22:13 AMI don't feel it is fair to compare Destiny to other games.It is different and innovative in many ways. The question is does it work? For some of us, it appears it does not. For others good shooting and game mechanics is all they need. [spoiler]Still play all the Halos, ME, GOW, POP. Mostly to re enter those worlds, relive those stories with their charcters. And also shoot stuff ;)[/spoiler]
i don't think its really fair to compare any game to any other game, unless they are sequels, then you can compare them to the sequels of that same game, IE: BL1 2 TPS, GoW 1 2 3 judgement, etc. if we held everything to up to everything else then nothing would be as good as the person comparing's own personal favorite. but being objective is apparently a foreign concept now a days, and so is judging things based on its own strengths and weaknesses, which i will say destiny Is FAR from perfect, it needs work, which will hopefully happen in the future with w /e the sequels will be. but its still a fine enough game. all personal prefernce of course, i don't pretend to think everyone shares my views on the game (as if actually liking it wasn't evidence of that)
[u]Here are some stats for you:[/u] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_video_games_to_develop I do agree that Destiny has very good combat and gunplay mechanics, but with an extremely watered down game, there isn't much to do. I'm absolutely bored of shooting the same enemies in the same missions doing the same thing every week. For me, and many others, what it boils down to is they promised us one thing then 180d and gave us much less than originally promised. Not only that, but Bungie has barely kept up with patching the game and implementing essential balances. We paid for lackluster DLC that adds barely anything new to the game other than a beyond broken raid and a few missions taking place on the same exact maps as before. With the budget that Destiny has/d, they could have done MUCH more with the game. Their coders are lazy and can not figure out how to solve simple issues, such as vault space, and the community manager does nothing but mislead and confuse the community.
Using wikipedia as a source? CMON MAN
i know, you'd think anyone would know that is not a creditable source, besides whoever did that article either doesn't know how to add, doesn't have all the facts straight, or is just being a idiot cause i can't even begin to fathom how 140mil?? + ???? = 500 mil.
I really hope you're not serious…
Edited by Mar: 2/6/2015 4:50:52 AMnot what i asked for but, according to the chat how can a 140 mil development cost + 0 marketing cost (which i know isn't right they marketed the balls off this game) = 500 mil... ? its ok if you're bored with it. im not, a few other people are not, a few other people are. all opinions none truly wrong or righ. the DLC i will admit could of been better but i will say i didn't expect much more than that so im fine with it. don't know why you brought the programmer / coders and deej into this, they really had nothing to do with your or my original points. and yeah they could of done better, but then again so could every other game developer ever. again, its all opinion, if your bored with it thats fine, there are other games just as good if not better to play. i will keep playing destiny till i get bored with it, which may or may not happen. heck i still find PS2 games alot of people hated really fun. and thanks for trying to derail all original points, doing a good job there.
What the hell are you talking about? We were talking about Desitny, so I talked about Destiny as a whole. Including, the development of the game and gameplay itself. In no way was the conversation ever "derailed". If you can't understand how to properly participate in a debate, then don't both replying. Back to the conversation. It wasn't just 140mil going into the entire development of the game, it was 500mil in total, most of which is unknown of what it went towards. Most of it was likely used towards marketing, thus, showing how they tried to hype of an underdeveloped game. With a game that is/was as highly funded as Destiny, there should be much more to it. [spoiler]The beginning of sentence begins with a capital letter.[/spoiler]
we was walking about specific part of the game, that part being the story. or i suppose i should say people complaining and them saying that there isn't one in or about the game at all, which is not true, coders, programmers and deej have nothing to do with that, you said it if it has bad or no story it needs gameplay to compensate, which i said it did and that it also has a story, a rather interesting one if you have half a mind to look at it. then you went off about how you were promised this and that and had way to high expectations and about the budget and about the people who actually coded the game all of which had nothing to do with the original point. that is why i said you tried to derail it. and frankly i don't care about capitalizing letters on a forum on the internet... this isn't grammar class. clearly there is no talking to you. good day sir.
Sorry, but I can't reply to you with your broken grammar. Nobody wants to ready your entire block of text with poor grammar skills.