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2/6/2015 3:48:04 AM

i disagree but that might just be me, destiny's gameplay is solid, the shooting is good, (aiming, controls, weapons, etc.) the movement options work fine (sprint, sparrows, interceptors, pikes, jumping abilities, etc.) and the enemies, while some can be slightly annoying, are generally fun to fight. the only thing that gets repetitive is the weekly / daily reset things, such as the nightfall, bounties and what not. unless you mean "you just shoot enemies all the time" which all i can say is, yeah when you boil a game down to its most basic concept EVERY game is repetitive, and the story, as in back story, is very intriguing, the "single player" is not the best in the world but i'll take it over something like CoD (just personal preference). and i never once saw that DESTINY itself had that big a budget, as far as i am aware that was a rumor, or a marketing budget, or a franchise budget, and unless you can provide something where bungie themselves or activision said that THIS ONE GAME ALONE cost that much im sticking with that. but it all boils down to opinion, some will like it, some will not, but just disliking it doesn't mean it isn't there.

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