Post any relevant comments below.
EDIT: This is meant to be a funny post, not me bitching about Xur.
With the engrams he'll probably try to decode them then sell them back to you for 69 strange coins
Give him the sword in Crota HM. Wait for him to say ready. Let him hear the clicks of the triggers being pulled on empty heavy weapons before Crota's sword comes crashing through his skull.
We put Xur and Rahool in a death match. Loser dies and winner is sent to the vault of glass. Since Atheon is no longer there (I wonder why), he will die alone. But first i'll take all of xurs exotics.
"My will is not my own" Xûr I don't think he is a bad guy, he has given me a lot of good stuff over the months. If death is inevitable, I am going to say death by Snu Snu.
Well we could just suffacate him in the vault...but we dont have anymore room
You could bury him alive in a coffin of strange coins and send him into deep space :P
Killed by water boarding in disappointed guardian tears and coins
Stuff a block of Heavy Ammo up his ass. Then have alll Guardians shoot him with Scout rifles that have the (( Shoot 4 Loot )) perk.
Kill him with a gally, the perfect death for the selfish bastard.
Rip off his tentacle face, and shove it down his penis. Or an alternative way could be cutting his arm and poor an ounce of bleach, and redo it every 10 minutes until he dies.
Stuff him with heavy ammo, hang him from the tree, and let all the young guardians beat him with no land beyonds like he is a pinata.
Beat him to death with Glass Houses and Stand Asides.
Shove a curse thrall jizz up his ass till it floods his lungs
Death match versus Master Rahool. It's a win-win.
Drop him and Rahool off the tower and see who lands first. Revive them and repeat.
Ram a bunch of heavy ammo synths up his a**, hang him from the tree by the gunsmith, use him as a heavy ammo piñata. Once that's done, turn to the gunsmith and tell him if he doesn't lower his prices he's next.
I picked other as why not grenade him to death with all these pairs of Sunbreakers I have.
He should be drowned in a pool filled with guardians tears!
Impact by a warsat LOL
Gjallahorn artillery strike
I like all of these lol
Shove a trip mine grenade up his ass and shoot him with the plan c you got from him in rage. Lastly steal all of his clothes, infiltrate the nine and blow the place up
Drowned in a box of heavy ammo synths
All of the above. In the most painful order.
Public castration for each appendage on his face.
[quote]Post any relevant comments below. EDIT: This is meant to be a funny post, not me bitching about Xur.[/quote] Electric chair