If you are pissed about this BS upcoming update then let the world know about it!
Go to Twitter f/ucking make a Twitter if you don't have one! Voice your opinion and end it with a good old #StoptheNerf
Make sure to # bungie, activision, destinythegame DeeJ and anyone else you can find.
Edited by Odezur: 2/6/2015 3:34:53 PMAs a hand cannon user I have zero problem with this weapon update. I mainly play pvp and I think all these changes are going to be awesome. Pulse rifles will actually be viable. Like all weapon types should be. Hand cannons will still be amazing. Most pvp maps are medium ranges anyway. The change is just preventing them from being mini snipers. I run with an actual sniper most of the time do this is no big deal. If anything it'll make sniping easier against other hand cannon users so I'll be doing even better. Auto rifles sucked before this patch. I don't understand why they are so popular right now anyway. I think Bungie is trying to bring them more in line with a close range to close-mid range weapon. They really want to push people towards other weapon types to engage at different ranges. Which is great! People will be forced to use variety on different maps for different results and in the end this will make the crucible much more dynamic. It'll also force noobs to hang up their auto rifles and evolve their skills with higher-skill-requirement primaries. Fusion rifles not being able to kill at long ranges is great. It wasn't meant for anything beyond mid-close range so they are adjusting for that. Long range shotguns also needed a bit of a damage fall off nerf due to the stacking of increased range perks on rolls. All this makes for a much more balanced weapon pool and will allow for a greater Variety of builds and load outs. Variety is the spice of life and will keep the crucible more interesting for a longer period.