Once upon a time there was a platypus named Gilberto. One day as Gilberto strolled through his marsh, he saw a rock -which he picked up. He then continued strolling. Further on he saw another rock, so he picked it up as well. He then continued his journey to his home - which was on the other side of the marsh. The marsh was called 'Rock Marsh', as there were many rocks in and around the marsh. By the time he had reached home he had collected two hundred and forty six rocks, which he had placed in his cart. That very same cart was given to him by his dying nephew Angus. Outside his house stood Antonio the seahorse. “What on earth could he want?” thought Gilberto. “Can I have a rock?” requested Antonio. “Uh … yeah, sure” replied Gilberto, whom then tossed a rock over to Antonio who was about 10 metres away. Suddenly Antonio threw the rock with great force at Gilberto. It struck the unprepared platypus square in the forehead, and he instantly went into spasms. “Thank you, you really shouldn’t have” stated the cold calculating Antonio; who then took the cart with the two hundred and forty five rocks and headed home, while the platypus lay unconscious in a pool of blood.
The End
I feel like this is a metaphor for xur