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2/6/2015 4:26:50 PM

VoG Templar cp. Need one.

Like it says... We need one more player 30+ for VoG on hard. Still trying to get that Fatebringer!!!! Blam! Add me if you're interested. We plan on being on tonight around 9-10 central time. A couple things... The guys, and sometimes girls in our group are all late 20's to early 30's. If you are obnoxious or rude about anything your booted. If you EVER say "totes" or "jelly" and you are not referring to luggage or a fruit spread, don't bother joining. Sorry. If you need help with nighfall/raids/weekly, we have a good little group that likes to help each other out. We don't take it too seriously, It is just a game. That is sucking my life away. And my marriage. And my relationship with my children. I'm a 32 Hunter. Most others in our group are 31. Cheers, Guardian Down!

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