So here's how it works: fuse any amount of exotics together (weapons or armour) and post your result!
Have fun!
[b]Edit:[/b] Thread is back! Let's see your Taken King exotic fusions!
Truth + Hardlight + Super Good Advice + Thunderlord +Jellyhorn. Shots fired at an increasing pace richochet off surfaces and aggressively track targets, exploding into more projectiles with every collision on both surfaces and enemies that will explode into projectiles themselves and so on. In addition, shots that miss(hit a wall before an enemy) will have an even higher chance to return to the magazine than SGA. AKA holy-fvck-bungie-please-I-don't-care-if-it-breaks-the-game-please-just-put-it-in-for-the-lulz, or LSD Fustercluck for short.