originally posted in:Destiny PS4 Community
Myself and 2 others are looking for players. Experience isn't a big deal. We are very easy going and willing to help. Hoping to set up regular weekly strikes, Nightfall and raids. We are on eastern time zone. Play evenings regularly Mon-Fri and weekends are wide open. If interested join our very small clan Perpetual Disarray. Thanks
PSN: ColourfulMoods Feel free to add ;) Been playing this since the release day i think ;P
Add me on ps4 Darkvoidmc
Add me gt is maebmij1991
Edited by VlaXioZ: 2/7/2015 8:17:19 PMAdd me VlaxioZ
I like the soud of this I have a mic I'm lvl 40 with Titan a 31 hunter and 28 warlock I used to have year one maxed with almost everything complete until the servers bugged out and deleted all my characters so here I am starting from scratch .. If anyone is consistent playing shoot me an add, c_anglis420
Add me to the clan and friend :) Psn: Haokunsays 40 warlock 291 light
Looking to get a vault of glass raid going. Don't know what im doing and i need help. Experienced players please
Hey add me xxDeadshot09xx Ive been looking for people that consistently play also
Add me lvl 30 Titan
PS4: chubcheck Level 32 Hunter
PS4: Brisingr595 Hunter Lvl 32, Or Warlock Lvl 30 (still leveling it up)
add me Xx_Flash115_xX I'll play anything
Do you have a mic?
For anyone that plays on ps4 add me my Psn is jumblacat
Add me, jreed52 level 30 hunter. Looking for people to raid and do nightfall with
MrSpanke LVL 32 Warlock Looking for ppl to play with. Trials/Raids/Prison/Strickes/Nightfall/Crucible Languege: English and Russian. All fluent 20 years old if it matters to anyone.
PS4: JD3-406 Warlock lvl 32
Add Hooverpooches. Eastern time zone as well. Usually playing late at night, and early in the morning.
I have a strange schedule but love to play when I'm off, eastern time as well. Please add
Level 32 titan
Add me SoulSAO_Hunter
Add me i2G_Neko
Add me pls
To anyone that wants to add me: BriggTheTerrible
Add sousa667