originally posted in:Devize Sigma
I'm trying to feel out who thinks they can do Crota's End easily on Hard Mode? This means you have the appropriate upgraded weapons, and also know every part of the raid inside and out, including multiple strategies, etc... This also means that you have likely completed the Crota's End raid on normal at least 10+ times (for most).
I'm trying to feel out where everyone is at. Anyone that DOES NOT feel that they are up to hard mode yet, we need to start doing more Crota's End normal until we get people up to par. I'm willing to help with this, but I'm only looking for people willing to pay attention and learn what they need to learn in order to prepare for Hard Mode. The other 5 people in the raid's time is just as valuable as your own, so please be prepared to listen, learn, and execute!
It's important to understand the value in doing raids multiple times, even if you're not getting loot because you've already completed the raid previously. As everyone knows, practice makes perfect. The more raids you do, the more you will understand the raid and the better you will be in hard mode. It's important to remember how frustrating it can be to go into a raid with somebody that doesn't fully understand the raid (in hard mode specifically) and causes the group to wipe repeatedly because of stupid mistakes or because of certain aspects of the raid that somebody should already know very well.
Please post below with Character levels and your raiding experience thus far as it pertains to Crota's End, both normal and hard.
I've done everything up to crota on HM.
New here so first off hi everyone. Secondly 32 Hunter - Multiple Successful normal mode runs not sure how many 5 Successful Hard Mode Runs 32 Warlock - Several Successful normal mode runs 2 successful hard mode runs 31 Titan - A Couple Successful normal mode runs 1 Successful hard mode run I have very limited sword experience, and would like to resolve that issue. Used to running it without any "dairy products" but I don't turn my nose up at it either.
I feel comfortable doing it
Count Khaotic in :)
I'm ready. 32 warlock.
I have done Crota hard a cpl times, but sadly have yet to complete it mainly because of crota glitching out or the sword runner getting to over zealous (no excuses intended).
I'm stuck at 29 on my titan and 27 on the lock otherwise I would run with u
Something to look forward to: www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2v332h/hard_mode_crotas_end_world_record_1442/
32 with all classes and have done normal since it came out and hard mode about 10 times. Have all raid weapons maxed except the hand cannon, light machine gun and necrochasm.
I'm comfortable with running it on all 3 characters (2x 32 Lock and a 32 Titan). I've run the sword a couple of times with some success; I prefer to have a blink Hunter that can do it but don't mind running it in a bind. Hit me up if anyone's going in...if I have the time, I'll usually run it even if I've already done it for the week.
Edited by MimicAX: 2/8/2015 3:06:34 PMI've done crota hard full completion 7 times. Lvl 32 all classes, max all usual exotic and raid weps (minus hoc). I've all but sworn off killing crota boss on hard because most LFG PUGs have 1-2 black sheeps that are stingy with rockets and/or keep dying :( At this point I have every drop from crota boss hard, but I will continue farming CE hard x3 every week minus crota himself. Hopefully we can get a strong clan raid group together soon that'll make me wanna fight crota hard boss again :)
I have done crota on normal like 10 times, butbut still haven't tried HM die to the lack of Hunger of Crota or Ghorn. But I know every strategy and the parts. I'd love too make mY first attempt with you guys :)
I have done Crota Hard 4 Times now, With Both my titan and Warlock. Both are 32 btw. I got Ghorn maxed out along with other crucial Weapons
I have several Crota HM completions. Comfortable with the raid. 32 Hunter and 32 Titan. I'd also be willing to help people get through the raid on normal to see how the mechanics of the different areas work.
I'm quite comfortable with it. Illusive was awesome last night until he got edgy with himself. Personally, I had the upmost confidence in him. :) 2 level 31 Titans. Thanks
I have beat crota on hard a couple times. It's not hard you just need a good strategy. I can help who ever do it. I have a 31 Titan with max ghorn or a 32 warlock
I'm pretty comfortable with it, I'm a 31 but I have a maxed hunger of Crota over soul edict patience and time and icebreaker from is getting upgraded as the hours go by
I feel comfortable doing. Just last night I was getting edgy. Not at anyone in the team. I was getting edgy at myself. The group I was with was amazing!! I just had lack of confidence for myself.
Edited by Explicit Content: 2/7/2015 9:12:36 PMI have a 32 hunter and 32 Titan that I've completed hard mode with numerous times. I'd be more than willing to do multiple runs so people can get practice and strategies refined even if no loot is dropped especially for hard mode. I still got some perfecting to do as sword bearer on my hunter. Prefer to do normal runs with my titan as I still need raid gloves for that character. But whatever works because raiding is the fun part not collecting loot, it's just a necessity to progress.
I have yet to do Crota on Normal..always wanting to join raid groups to learn..just the times haven't worked out...I'm a tick under 31 with maxed primary and maxed icebreaker. Titan class is my main
Edited by Super Whippy: 2/7/2015 8:34:33 PMNever finished on hard but 3 maned up to Crota on hard easily maxed gally ice breaker black hammer and I have the abyss I have a 32 Titan a nearl 32 hunter and a 29 warlock plan on getting that to 31 soon
Edited by Grouchy00: 2/8/2015 3:17:15 PMHave never done CE on Hard, Have Ghorn ,...have most exotics all upgraded
I have completed once with my 31 hunter have not tried with my 31Titan. Maxed icebreaker, fatebringer
I have done Crota hard Twice now, both on my 31 Titan. Maxed Ghally, Maxed LDR, and I switch between Abyss Defiant and Fang of Ir Yut.