I'm Jay and I've been on many forums were people say they will help you if you add them. Then 10 minutes later they kick you or don't even add you. So I created this for a way for all people to come together and help each other on anything(ON DESTINY). I will be constantly doing Raids 24/7 and helping others out, if you would like to do a raid, the nightfall, the weekly heroic, daily, bounties, or anything. Add me on psn: JAYLUCANATOR
If I am online i will be streaming, and i will gladly appreciate it if you would watch. Cause I will try to get you in the raids or anything with our pros.
-Maxed out All Exotic Weapons, 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, and a 31 Warlock
-All crota Raid weapons Acquired
-All VOG Weapons Acquired
- Can Carry on VOG and Crota's End (ANY Difficulty)
Crota cp on normal, I've never done this part of the raid before I'm level 31 warlock help would be appreciated add me on psn CM-W__
Looking for 3 for normal gatekeeper cp add DrAgUnOv15
level 31 lf crota raid, good player, know it back to front, ps4, good weps 'ryaster'
level 31 lf crota raid, good player, know it back to front, ps4, good weps 'ryaster'
Crotas end normal run add me level 30 hunter i need shards to level up
Looking for gorgons cp. 31 hunter
Looking for VoG Templar hard mode on PS4 PSN is as above
LF fresh run VoG normal PSN Uk_Lang
VoG I have two ppl. Atheon CP. Add me and join fire team. hTXnifty50z
Edited by Jacksfon: 2/8/2015 6:27:46 PMNeed four players for Crota's end normal crota cp ps4 psn name Jackstero2305.
Hello! Looking for a 32 that can use sword against Crota (more damage). Thc_Digman
Msg v D e X u S if someone have crota hard deathsinger cp
Hosting crota cp hard ps4 need a lvl 32 hunter first come first serve psn is the same as above
LF gorgon cp hard mode add XxNFLxX_Chargers ....level 30 and up
Doing crota cp hard we need a lvl 32 hunter with sword exp!!! Join now first come first serve
31 warlock here
Need 2 more for VOG hard run at Templar cp add hweezyfbaby
VOG Hard Raid Fresh start Level 30 or above and experience!!! Add me PSN: Super_Savage_Sid
32 titan looking for hard crota or vog FRESH START!
level 31 lf crota raid, good player, know it back to front, ps4, good weps 'ryaster' 1 more!
Looking for a group to do vog HARD PS4 level 31 titan have oracle cp
Gatekeeper Checkpoint on Hard I have about 48 VoG completions and know exactly what to do at every checkpoint. Australians (or people who will actually communicate) only. 2200 Grimoire+ Comment below with your PSN.
Add omarzxc for vog hard31
Normal crota, add marc_herrera, no mic but will start party chat
LvL 31 Titan lfg Crota normal fresh run - Add Balazarus on PS4
Need 2 more for normal Crota cp... Please help us