I'm Jay and I've been on many forums were people say they will help you if you add them. Then 10 minutes later they kick you or don't even add you. So I created this for a way for all people to come together and help each other on anything(ON DESTINY). I will be constantly doing Raids 24/7 and helping others out, if you would like to do a raid, the nightfall, the weekly heroic, daily, bounties, or anything. Add me on psn: JAYLUCANATOR
If I am online i will be streaming, and i will gladly appreciate it if you would watch. Cause I will try to get you in the raids or anything with our pros.
-Maxed out All Exotic Weapons, 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, and a 31 Warlock
-All crota Raid weapons Acquired
-All VOG Weapons Acquired
- Can Carry on VOG and Crota's End (ANY Difficulty)
Need 2 more for normal Crota cp... Please help us
Lvl 31 hunter psn mookamara maxed ghorn lfg to do deathsinger cp on hard needs mic an exp Lvl 31+
I need help to do more raid level 31 warlock. Psn killmenow0009
Need 3 for deathsinger cp normal add me psn carpenoctem6277
I have jellyhorn. Add willdibeast
Ps4 vog normal fresh, carrying friend through add Bob636369
Need 4 for vog fresh hard mode psn dragonlord12346
Need 3 for a fresh normal VoG run add icolo76. We have a 30 a 29 and 26 so it should be easy
Add Itti97 or abbeboii01 Vog hard cp atheon
Need one for fresh hard run. Add theKUCKLES
30 hunter looking for fresh CE on normal. Am experienced.
Looking for a group to raid with Level 30 hunter Psn: vxnzyy
Need 4 for Crota normal, checkpoint at the end 32 only Add bobo26
Need help with VoG First time raiding it, and I need 5 others. Vault is open and is on Templar cp Looking for anyone, psn: Preciise0
Ps4 Vog lv 31 hunter ADD vicz_mixx
1 30 hunter and 1 31 lock LF fresh VOG run
Need sword bearer for crota hard mode Add coldfire9597
Lvl 32 hunter looking for fresh run normal crota Psn: road_runner_26-2
level 31 lf crota raid, good player, know it back to front, ps4, good weps 'ryaster' 2 more
VOG normal need 3 more PSN AceRebornMera
Vog hard fresh! We got 3 people Add jabronigotswag
2 32s lf atheon cp hm psn the_galloping_g
Need help with vault on boss we have 3 in total 3 others needed plz help
Need 4 for Crota fresh run normal 31+ with experience Add bobo26