I'm Jay and I've been on many forums were people say they will help you if you add them. Then 10 minutes later they kick you or don't even add you. So I created this for a way for all people to come together and help each other on anything(ON DESTINY). I will be constantly doing Raids 24/7 and helping others out, if you would like to do a raid, the nightfall, the weekly heroic, daily, bounties, or anything. Add me on psn: JAYLUCANATOR
If I am online i will be streaming, and i will gladly appreciate it if you would watch. Cause I will try to get you in the raids or anything with our pros.
-Maxed out All Exotic Weapons, 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, and a 31 Warlock
-All crota Raid weapons Acquired
-All VOG Weapons Acquired
- Can Carry on VOG and Crota's End (ANY Difficulty)
Need 4 for Crota fresh run normal 31+ with experience Add bobo26
Need 1 for fresh hard run
Looking for hard Templar cp add cnp1210
Lf vog hard add gonjja pls
VOG on normal fresh run Psn StogaFootball8 LETS GET IT DONE
[quote]Normal deathsinger cp. need 3. Add d3thsnale[/quote]
Need 2 for vog hard. 31+ add me ^
I am a 32 Titan with maxed gjally! Looking to run hard crota from check point! Plenty of hard mode exp. add unwanted_storm4
Crota checkpoint Normal mode add RamySalami.
Crota cp hard plz join only need 2 more people possible 32
Add Me and Join my Fireteam: xlGreenReaperlx PS4 VOG Hard Mode Fresh Start! Currently looking for 4 more experienced players to take it on! Let's get some exotic weapons!!!
VOG Hard looking for 4 more? Add me sFusionz
Need 3 experienced Raiders for Flawless Raider trophy on VoG Normal. rlg1989
Crota Hard cp , need 4 more guardians including a good swordbearer , only lvl32 with hunger of crota or jellyhorn, add me
Have 5 Need 1 sword bearer for Crota hard add Lxljohnnylxl
Hey I have three people to play including me if you have some guys. My name is i-kingleonidas-i im level 30 titan
Looking for 4 for fresh run on Crotas. Lvl 31 Warlock and Hunter. Add jfoydart on psn.
PS4 Crotas End Looking for 4 more. Leave psn in comment.
Need raid group, I have VOG Normal Gatekeeper CP. Add me: Lord_Camo
I need 3 people for VoG normal fresh run, add soccer_mesi
2 people looking to do Crota or vault of glass add Swishier_Door3
[quote]I'm Jay and I've been on many forums were people say they will help you if you add them. Then 10 minutes later they kick you or don't even add you. So I created this for a way for all people to come together and help each other on anything(ON DESTINY). I will be constantly doing Raids 24/7 and helping others out, if you would like to do a raid, the nightfall, the weekly heroic, daily, bounties, or anything. Add me on psn: JAYLUCANATOR PSN(PS4): JAYLUCANATOR -Maxed out All Exotic Weapons, 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, and a 31 Warlock -All crota Raid weapons Acquired -All VOG Weapons Acquired - Can Carry on VOG and Crota's End (ANY Difficulty)[/quote] Me and my friend need 4 people for fresh crota on hard add xxADHDxFLASHxx.
32 hunter looking for Atheons cp I have 1 with me that's 31 both experienced Add FallsBoy
VoG hard mode Templar checkpoint 31+ Add silenc3d_c
Add Anti-Ast_Comany for VoG hard we need players
[quote]I'm Jay and I've been on many forums were people say they will help you if you add them. Then 10 minutes later they kick you or don't even add you. So I created this for a way for all people to come together and help each other on anything(ON DESTINY). I will be constantly doing Raids 24/7 and helping others out, if you would like to do a raid, the nightfall, the weekly heroic, daily, bounties, or anything. Add me on psn: JAYLUCANATOR PSN(PS4): JAYLUCANATOR -Maxed out All Exotic Weapons, 32 Warlock, 32 Titan, and a 31 Warlock -All crota Raid weapons Acquired -All VOG Weapons Acquired - Can Carry on VOG and Crota's End (ANY Difficulty)[/quote] 31 lock looking to do something lol nightfall raid anything Goatman804