Last night, I was finishing up my Atheon kills on all my characters to end the week.
First two went smoothly, then I went on my 32 hunter and found a random team. (yes shoot me I don't have friends on all the time)
The team consisted of 3 32's 2 31's and a 30. I should not have assumed, but did that at least 2 people will be able to handle the relic. Turns out, we spent an hour and never got it done because I was teleported once everytime, the second time the relic holder always died.
As a 32, you should be able to handle the relic on atheon and on the templar. Some of you might say "but we never get the chance to". Go into normal mode and train yourself.
Some of you also might say "oh ha, scrub you should get him in one go anyway". Tell that to the people that think word of crota/plan c is doing a lot of damage on Atheon.
Point is, 32's AND 31's AND 30's should be able to or at least try handling the relic. It's not really that hard.
What do you guys think? I want to hear your thoughts on those that have had the same problem as me or from the people that haven't learned how to use the relic.
Totally agree. You shouldn't be on hard mode at all unless you know how to carry the relic. And people whining about the minotaur on Venus regenning health - give me a break - kill him anyway. There are particularly no excuses if you're a 32.
Minitaurs plus glitches equals dead and pissed warlock.....who self revives and beats the sh!t out it.
I have to admit I'm not terribly good at running the relic. I understand the basic concept but back in the early days the group I ran with always had someone more experienced run it. I just recently started running VOG again and it does seem like no one wants to touch relic with a 40 foot pole. I always pick it up if no one else wants to but I have yet to beat aetheon with myself as the holder.
You still need your vog weapons with Oracle disruptor... Well, it helps a lot. VoC would be better than fang for example. People forget the that the raid is a series of events and timing. Just because you are a 32 doesn't mean you can power through it. It helps a little, but in the end you still need skill.
many people bought the game around the time of the DLC and have never done vog, or if they have, very little, on top of that many groups have one guy who's amazing at the templar using the relic. the atheon point is solid though. people have to learn sometime, so, if you want to help, don't rush, ask who hasn't used the relic and spend 20 minutes letting them try before killing atheon
Smfh. Even the lower players in my groups can handle relic at templar as a 32. Most can as a 31. And myself & another have as 29 numerous times. Anybody playing with friends should have learned already. & I agree that groups of randoms should be more open to helping people learn.
In that whole time you were 32 you could of picked the relic up to so its your fault as well as there's its a team game you take part blame no wonder why you couldn't do it with this attitude moaning about randoms not being able to use the relic 1. Pick it up your damn self 2. Protect the relic guy by shooting rockets down taking half the enemies so no reason for him to die you have 5 seconds to shoot enemies before first oracle appears 3. Make sure you did the above 2 before moaning about your team mates performance
Being 32 has no advantages in VOG. A 32 does the same damage as a 30 because the max level is 30. Whoever is running the relic at atheon stage can easily solo all the hobgoblins and paertorian by running down the steps and RT them. Jumping down will alert them because enemies react to jumping sounds. Hobgoblins on mars will always kill someone if they're in mid air.
32s you would think would have the exp but unfortunatly crota was cheesed more than it was done legit which means alot more useless 32s
Maybe he hasnt used the relic? I havent nor do i care to nor care what you -blam!-ing think
I have been disappointed several times by groups that absolutely smashed Crota, but then couldn't clear gatekeepers or Atheon to save their lives.
They should also be able to solo Mars/Venus during gatekeeper, getting sick of doing BOTH myself and dropping the relic outside for someone to die with it at the conflux. Sickens me.
The problem is that to train yourself, you have to go in with other people. When a lot of us get a group together (finally) we're looking to get through the content, not impose upon others our desire to train with the Relic a bit, or to entertain someone else's need to train with the Relic. So I agree that proficiency with the Relic is important, and by a certain point one should have fair proficiency at it, but the Raid is a poor place to practice anything.
Edited by spafeX80: 2/8/2015 8:01:18 PMI made a whole post in this once. Here it is: VoG: The Relic Discussion/Tutorial Okay. This is a huge issue. The relic. Everyone seems to fear it, or never even go near it or want to learn it. I'm going to say this first, [b][i]IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RUN THE RELIC PERFECTLY WITHOUT DYING, THEN YOU DON NOT NEED TO BE DOING THE HARD RAID YET.[/i][/b] Everyone's story is different, but when only one person knows how to run it perfectly and you have a few players who say they're alright with it, it makes the Hard Raid impossible. Stop telling me you're good at raids if you can't run that relic. Everyone needs to know how to do it. I spent 5 hours on Atheon in one night simply trying to teach a whole Fireteam how to run the relic perfectly. It's not hard to figure out. The idea that you can't run the relic is mostly psychological. It's fairly simple on the hard raid and a piece of cake in the normal raid. Now. Here's how: Everyone should be on the sync plates so that they are being raised as soon as everyone is teleported. [b]NO ONE SHOULD BE FIRING/WASTING AMMO ON ATHEON. It causes him to fire at you and possibly kill someone with splash damage. Just stay in cover until Atheon activates the time stream and everyone is teleported.[/b] Once everyone outside of the portal gets out of the detainment bubbles, you kill Supplicants on both sides while you wait for Oracle team to finish inside the portal. Inside the portal 2 kill oracles, while the relic holder darts off in the beginning and kills enemies before the oracle killers get halfway through. EVERYONE OUTSIDE NEEDS TO STAY ALIVE, while killing as many supplicants as possible! Use rockets, grenades, hand cannons with precision. Focus and don't die! The first time being teleported the enemies aren't watching. The first time is easier because you have the element of surprise as long as no one fires a weapon or double jumps. On Mars: Sprint/run down to the hobgoblins without double jumping, when you're close enough while running you double jump into the air, using ground slam to instantly kill two of the Hobgoblins in the first blast, then kill the third. Then simply keep everyone cleansed and pop a super from the relic at the last oracle. On Venus: Run down to enemies, get some air, AIM, and catch the Minotaur and one normal goblin in the first blast. NOW THIS is where a lot of people fail, Minotaurs excel by counting on you to focus on them. Because you think they're a threat. However goblins are much more accurate even when you're bunny hopping to dodge damage. Instead of focusing on the Minotaur, after you catch the Minotaur add one of the goblins in the first blast, jump over to the goblin and kill him. Then you get the Minotaur all to yourself. Killing him now is really easy, simply jump high enough in the air to ground slam him BEHIND him or to his side. Basically avoid hitting him straight on. Ground slam him on his back or his side by getting height in the air and he'll be knocked back everytime, but by hitting him on his side or head and going behind him he has to take extra time recovering from your blast because he has to turn around-at which point you're already in the air to hit him again on his side or back. Now the second time you go through portals the enemies will be watching for you, so sometimes you have to take separate paths to keep them distracted while you don't take damage from them. The rest of the Atheon fight on normal should go like this: After Oracle team makes it out of the portal with ALL ORACLES KILLED IN ORDER-extremely crucial to not getting wiped- everyone including the portal team killing supplicants, crashes to the middle, relic holder needs to be there first with the relic shield open-LB. [b]EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN GETTING TO THE MIDDLE ISLAND.[/b] If the relic holder moves or gets bumped at all while holding the shield open it nulls the shield and will let enemy fire through. Therefore everyone must do their best to keep a safe distance while still in the bubble. Everyone pulls out snipers and hits Atheon's critical weak spot. Now, I don't care what you think you know, but when time's vengeance is at 10 seconds remaining, everyone needs to immediately return to their assigned portals and kill supplicants along the way. The relic holder staying in the center until everyone is safely away. This is crucial to the whole team not getting wiped instantly. If you wait for time's vengeance to end, everyone will not be on the portals raising them, instead they will be in detainment bubbles when oracle teams get teleported. Which means they'll have to kill supplicants to even get to the plates to open the portals. If you leave right after Time's vengeance ends there's a chance you'll not be prepared and be on the ground when everyone gets teleported, which means you'll fall through the detainment bubbles which will usually result in your swift death. [b]ALSO, it causes issues for the relic holder. Atheon will continue to fire at the relic holder, and being the relic holder I always catch the splash damage from Atheon because everyone won't get back to their spots.[/b] There's a reason everyone leaves when time's vengeance has 10 seconds left, and that's it, so everyone is prepared for the next teleport instead of winging it and taking the likely chance of being immediately killed. Basically, if you execute that-rinse and repeat with the slightly added difficulty that the relic holder must beat the enemies with them knowing you're already coming (no element of surprise), the raid even on hard is relatively easy. It's all about execution with precision and speed. It takes a bit of practice. If you're not skilled with the relic you need to go to the Templar phase and practice with it until you understand how it moves and works. Then practice on Atheon fight on normal until you can do it flawlessly. This all being said only players who are level 30 or higher are able to one hit KO enemies with the relic. *in the hard version of Vault of glass* 29's will do damage but not enough to kill them in time before getting killed. I hope this helps whoever. It's how hard raids should be executed. One note, if Atheon is nearly dead, it of cours remakes more sense to not go back to your assigned portal spots and just kill Atheon.
Who tf uses hive raid gear on a vex raid
You realise that just because someone is 32, doesnt mean you need to stop helping them. Your ALWAYS supposed to throw grenades or rockets at the minotaur on venus side. If you expect the relic guy to not die taking on 2 goblins and a minotaur all the time, you're mistaken. Do you even know how many hits it takes to kill a praetorian with the shield? A good 3-4 hits. And thats while hes trying to melee and shoot you. I'll bet those 32's couldn't do their job because no one was helping them out. Mars side is real easy and should never be an issue. Also, using the relic is very easy too. It functions like the sword does, but with a different super.
why should on of the 32 take the relic? VoG is capped at 30 so being a 32 is no 'benefit'
I've gone through that experience this week too. I was helping my nooby friend do hard VoG. We had 4 32's, 31 and a 29... Couldn't even get it done because they couldn't stay alive or shoot the Oracles in time. My guess is, most 31's and 32's got carried or cheese their way to lvl 32. It doesn't really take skill to get to 32 anyways.
Edited by Get2DaChoppa81: 2/8/2015 11:20:30 PMThis on Atheon? People get too damn polite there, or play "not it". Just grab it and go if you're all 30 or higher. Further... A lot of teammates are just dumb inside of those areas. Throwing grenades. Ignoring the first oracle. Not moving down the stairs together. I want a rocket on the right side in the minotaurs grill. I want you 2 to stand there like statues on the left side. You throw your useless grenades, you're going to miss the Minotaur and now they're all shooting at me with a relic. You throw a grenade or shoot at the hobgoblins on the left, chances are I'm dead cuz you pissed them off. You ignore them on the left, they sit there sleeping til I hit them and they're all almost dead before their guns charge to shoot. The point for me is... I can deal with people not knowing these basic things. But you need to [b]listen[/b] when I tell you I don't want your help or want very precise actions. We'll all live if you just listen up. Edit: and ignore level for a minute. I think having that number gives you a false sense of strength in the Vault. It's the Normal mode plague... Oh I can get rez'd? That purple ammo is mine... The hardest raid I ever did was my flawless raider run, vault; normal difficulty; at level 32; and I damn near sh!+ my pants cuz my sprint didn't start when I made my final jump to the wall...
Aetheon hard takes more brain power then normal crota. Doesn't take Hard mode crota to be 32 as it took Hard mode aetheon to be 30. Ya...assuming makes an ass of you and me..
I know how to use the relic
I tell them to practice in normal if they don't have much experience, that's what I did with crota and now I'm a boss with the sword.
I just hold square before atheon teleports anyone, so that if I get teleported I'm almost guaranteed to get relic.