Last night, I was finishing up my Atheon kills on all my characters to end the week.
First two went smoothly, then I went on my 32 hunter and found a random team. (yes shoot me I don't have friends on all the time)
The team consisted of 3 32's 2 31's and a 30. I should not have assumed, but did that at least 2 people will be able to handle the relic. Turns out, we spent an hour and never got it done because I was teleported once everytime, the second time the relic holder always died.
As a 32, you should be able to handle the relic on atheon and on the templar. Some of you might say "but we never get the chance to". Go into normal mode and train yourself.
Some of you also might say "oh ha, scrub you should get him in one go anyway". Tell that to the people that think word of crota/plan c is doing a lot of damage on Atheon.
Point is, 32's AND 31's AND 30's should be able to or at least try handling the relic. It's not really that hard.
What do you guys think? I want to hear your thoughts on those that have had the same problem as me or from the people that haven't learned how to use the relic.
I just hold square before atheon teleports anyone, so that if I get teleported I'm almost guaranteed to get relic.
I had a very similar experience recently. The group was the absolute worst. Running the vault of glass on hard shouldn't take more than an hour and we were in there for almost 3, and we didn't even finish.
Know how you feel that's why I love it when I'm teleported every time I rather have the team say wtf why did oracles kill us. And I go I was the relic holder so I could only kill a few not all of them haha. Or the best one after a wipe hey dumbass without the relic don't shoot the damn hobgoblins okay I'll handle them. Worry about the oracles and only the oracles I know when you need to be cleansed so stop screaming for one and shoot oracles I'll handle the enemies just shoot oracles
The issue is also atheon is still plagued by bugs. The only reason he is less issues now is we have black hammers and can one cycle his glitchy ass. But you are right I don't pug VOG for the reason you explained.
I think what you have is a catch 22, there are people out there willing to try and use the relic/sword but you'll find that if you're using the LFG apps groups are just not patient enough and just want to get the raid over and done with, especially on Crota. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a 5 other online friends willing just to go into the raid and practice. Saying that if any body is on PS4 add bluerajah1672 and I'm willing to run things with any body, I still need practice with the sword so just shoot me an invite. Happy hunting guardians.
Bungie definitely ruined the notion that 32 means anything when they upped the drop rate of armor in Crota's end. Everyone and their mom is a 32 and if you're not, it's because you are either relatively new to the game or you don't play often.
Light level has nothing to do with skill my friend.
Agreed, but I think it is something that takes practice. Sometimes tags hard to admit when you're a 32. Watch some vids though and you can learn quickly. I know for me it was just getting the controls down after that it's not so bad at all.
Keep in mind that Christmas noons can be level 32 by now and may have never done VoG.
Fusion rifles do work on atheon
Funny cuz the same situation happened to me yesterday. We finished it because I kept getting teleported and I grabbed the relic everytime, but when I didn't the other 32's didn't have a clue on what to do with it. It's a shame
Can't be bothered to pick up that little kite you call a relic, these hands only hold the ghallajhorn baby lol!
I never got a chance to run it on my team but wanted to learn it. So I brought in an alt at the Templar save so I could go in by myself and practice. It was a lot of fun in fact. I can solo it on normal now and I always grab the relic.
If you are 32 you should be able to solo Hardmode Crota's End up until Crota's fight
Edited by Seb636: 2/8/2015 6:24:11 PMLast night me and a friend ran three noobs through VOG normal. Three team mates who have never done it before. The hardest part was atheon because of the rather complex dynamics of the fight. Remember that not everyone is a pro and try to help teach people how to run the raids. You didn't just wake up one day knowing how to kick ass and take names. Someone helped you out along the way. Pay it forward.
Praetorians regenerate health
This happened to me when had a full team of 32s on Croat hard the time came to take Croats shield down and what happens? One of the 32s decides to run up and shoot Crota at his feet hahaha just because there level 32 doesn't mean there good at the game
Edited by CannibusDreamz: 2/8/2015 8:12:27 PMFully 100% agree with you.. Nothing is more frustrating than getting to atheon to then find out you are the only one that knows how to run the relic so when you don't get teleported all the others just stare at each other and not grab the relic.. Or worse.. Grab it and die.. Lol, very frustrating and a true test to your nerves..
Since light level has nothing to do with skill. A good destiny player should be able to solo parts of Crota normal and hard and in VOG you should be able to get through gorgon maze unseen and should be able to solo the Templar if your team dies and you should be able to solo a gatekeeper portal. all of this on hard by the way
i did the vog twice ever. and i know how to use the relic. its not hard at all
I believe its too easy to get to level 31 with Vanguard marks so we probably got players who just skip VoG & go straight to Crota. If that is the case, then maybe they figured it would be easier yo go backwards once you hit cap. This is something I've seen happen in MMORPGs throughout the years. Problem with this is that Destiny isn't just an MMO so people tend to mess up like that. Even if this is not the case, players should practice. Comes in handy!
Agree,get into too many grps where ppl are not willing to relic.just get a normal CP on Templar and have a go.Problem is most people are missing out,being the relic holder is quite fun.I bet most people will have even less exp with sword through fear of using it
Doesnt matter if youre 31 or 32. Damage is maxed at level 30 so you are doing as much damage as the 30 even though you are 32, you can only take more damage. But yea im surprised there are 31s and 32s that dont know how to use a relic and survive with it
If you've never had an opportunity to run the relic, you're not going to be able to run the relic. It takes practice to know what you're doing, just like everything else in the raid. Did you try to explain it to them so they could figure it out?
yes i agree!! this exact same thing happened to me yesterday!! there were THREE 32s in my group. im 31. im okay with the relic but i really expected the 32s to pick it up. so we got transported in and they just stood there so i picked it up and had to do it. i was pretty shocked. i died the first time i held it and i was like a 32 should really be doing this and they were all silent then someone just said "anyone pick it up who wants to." seriously? how do people get to 32 by doing absolutely nothing? worthless tbh.
I'm a 32. Only done VOG a few times. Everyone is super cereal and no one has ever been open to "I'm not good with the relic, but I'd love to learn...wanna give me a few practice rounds before we move on?" One team said sure and gave me two wipes then got pissed and ran the relic on their own. I get where you are coming from, but people like you are actually the problem. Instead of throwing up the hate on the forums ask everyone in your group of they can run the relic. Then teach the ones that don't. Snobbery isn't going to elevate the community.