I've been raiding since September and got the Vision of Confluence, the last weapon I needed from the VoG. I just recentely created a Titan and ran the raid on normal, and voila, Vision of Confluence!
Is it still worth levelling up?
Yes, was my go to weapon until I got the fang
It's my primary. Head popping machine.
Yeah dood. That gun is the tits. 31 hunter- Ghorn elitist- Sex monster- -SxDrone
Great for everything except hard Crota. Once HoW comes, it'll be less effective on nightfalls and even normal HoW raid.
Edited by Oak: 2/8/2015 11:24:26 PMBetter than the fang in my opinion. Fang at 331 only does 10% more damage than 300 VOC. Just tested it. Would much rather have auto fire.
Yes. Fantastic for solar burn nightfalls and hive wizards. Excellent for oracles in the vog even at range.
I still use mine for nightfalls and oracles.
For Solar burn Nightfalls yes (although Abyss Defiant does better) or for Solar shields. Other than that there are better/harder hitting options out there. It is no longer the best Scout Rifle in the game (if it ever was to begin with). That being said it's a matter of preference. If you like it then use it. Nobody is going to fault you for it.
Still worth it if you ask me. Its been my most used (still used) primary
Best scout in the game
It's overrated but if you don't have a solar primary then it's worthy having
It's still a great all-around weapon. There isn't too much difference between 331 and 300 (depending on character lvl and situation) Now when HoW drops then you may have to make a change. Even after comet drops I'll still keep my Fatebringer, VoC, Shadow Price, and Rare lvl 10 hand cannon with explosive rounds. Some weapons you just want to hold on to even if you don't use them anymore.
Till I get abyss defiant or another solar primary, I have my weapon of choice.
My favourite. I have three levelled, one for each character. It's a great go to primary I almost all situations
Yeah, I'm still rocking mine today
I still run with mine in a majority of situations.
Use it in the crota raid. It's solar damage so it kills wizards faster in long range or if you don't have abyss defiant. It's still very good since it's the only solar scout rifle in the game with a lard mag, also good for solar burn. Just keep it and level it up.
Use it in the crota raid. It's solar damage so it kills wizards faster in long range or if you don't have abyss defiant. It's still very good since it's the only solar scout rifle in the game with a lard mag, also good for solar burn. Just keep it and level it up.
Use it in the crota raid. It's solar damage so it kills wizards faster in long range or if you don't have abyss defiant. It's still very good since it's the only solar scout rifle in the game with a lard mag, also good for solar burn. Just keep it and level it up.
I got a VoC about a week ago and it works well for fire burn in the nightfall and the oracle disruptor should work well in the VoG.
ya man i still rock the VOC and fatebringer. love the VOC whish they had an upgrade for it but it still does great
I find it quite fun.
I kept mine just incase of oracles, but then I ran abyss defiant/preadyths revenge on hard VoG and realised I just don't need vision of confluence in my life anymore. And it got sharded. Seriously though it surprises me how well abyss defiant shreds oracles.
Yes. Still a great option in all level 30 and under game modes, including PvP.
Edited by Boltarok: 2/8/2015 2:44:46 AMI Still use it, my fatebringer too