10 seconds? why? you can kill atheon in two runs by waiting to jump or move back at 3 seconds, you move back into the weapons of light bubble in the back, jump, shoot your way out of the detainment field and get the portal up for whatever side they call out. people are almost never immediately killed by kamikazee harpies. even if one dies, no big deal, atheon goes down on run #2 since he will be under half life from the first run.
Dude this gives extra time just in case. I say it every time, it's the little mistakes in a raid that costs wipes and more time. I just gave an effective method.
Edited by Racebum: 2/9/2015 2:20:51 AMand little mistakes happen the longer it drags on. i mean, it would work, but it's a very inefficient method. in my experience most wipes are from glitches...glitches that are more likely to happen the longer it drags on. teleported with field, re appearing on the same planet you just portaled out of, oracles appearing dead when they actually are not. you're also reaching a bit saying you may not have a titan. out of 6 people if there isn't one titan that's a bit odd. they are the biggest damage multipliers in VOG both at atheon and templar. with the templar you can absolutely destroy him having a titan pop weapons of light and 3 guys up top with Ghorns while everyone else blocks teleports, kills oracles and snipes hobs
You don't always have Titans.