I want you to imagine a scene or situation based off of what you hear, and describe it. For those who have seen me around, I have indeed posted this song before. In some cases, music is just as much an experience as it is a compilation of sounds, and while this particular track may not be the most intricate or longest piece of music in the world, I do think it provides an interesting atmosphere for the imagination to work with. It's especially nice if it happens to be night where you are, like where I am currently, part of why i'll likely be heading to bed after I finish this. But anyway, my temporary absence is no reason not to take an opportunity.
So, if you'd like, go ahead and share what scenery or situation comes to mind as the song plays, i'm interested to see what your various imaginations can come up with. Don't try to force anything extravagant or excessive, just let the music play, and share whatever you come up with.
Have a nice night, everyone! Or a nice day, depending on what time it is where you are.
Edit: To make this thread a little bit deeper, if you would like, expand upon your scene or any characters you may have placed in it. Give vivid details, maybe explain why those characters are there, what they're doing. or what their motivation is. If you don't want to go that far, that's fine, but it might be fun to give it a whirl.
There's a castle somewhere in Scotland. There's a guard on his nightwatch. He's fairly bored, but it's coming up to sunrise and he relaxes. A few moments later, the sun starts to spill over the mountains and a smile creeps across the guard's face. It never gets old.