Stupid thing #1: You only use 10% of your brain
Stupid thing #2
I was in class, about 5th grade. We were handed a packet that we had to read. After we finished reading we had to ask for our questions. I finished before she even finished the first paragraph(it was like a 3 page packet).
I ask for my questions and say I'm done. The teacher looks at me with those kind of looks that mean WTF and talked to me like Im mentality disabled and tells me I'm not done.
[spoiler]All faith in humanity =lost
*Face Desk* (literally)[/spoiler]
Humans only do use about 10% of their brain at once....
[quote]Humans only CAN use about 10% of their brain at once....[/quote] Most don't.
[quote]Humans only do use about 10% of their brain at once....[/quote] Except they dont
Hence why i said "about"
But in all seriousness we use most of our brain most of the time. Much more than 10% usually. I think 10% is actually supposed to be the minimum we use at a time
Lol no that is false, look it up, humans can only access about 10% of their brain at a time. This is not where i got the info from but have you ever seen the movie Lucy? It's a great example
Not sure if trolling or serious...
Dead serious look it up
I ask you to do the same
Lmao did you actually look it up!? Ohhhh my friend how sad, I had faith in you xD
Don't worry I didn't look it up. I rarely challenge a claim without knowing at least a little about the subject