2 questions:
1. What is the maximum amount of super energy that can be recovered by killing enemies with Nova Bomb while using Obsidian Mind?
2. Do kills from bloom explosions count as kills with the Nova Bomb in terms of replenishing super energy?
It looks to me like each enemy killed with Nova Bomb while wearing Obsidian Mins gives about 10% super energy back. I'm not sure if I have ever killed 10 mobs at once with my Nova Bomb while wearing Obsidian Mind, but I know that I have gotten my super energy back above 50% with one Nova Bomb. However, I run bloom so I don't know if all of that energy was from Nova Bomb/Obsidian Mind alone or if some of the energy was from kills with bloom and gave me super energy, but not the same amount of super energy if the enemy had been killed by the bomb itself. The way that orbs drop makes me think that even if an enemy is killed with a bloom explosion, it still counts as being killed by the Nova Bomb. I haven't done any scientific inquiry, but if no one has answers I might have to do some testing and math *gasp!*
I use it on the thrall maze, and it's amazing because I can wipe out 30+ thralls that are following me and get it back instantly. If you have several warlocks, everyone runs mind and the maze is cake.