Disagree. Some people just aren't as skilled.
I handle the relic every time I play, but my dad also plays with our crew, and while he's great at holding a position, he doesn't have the controller coordination to do the maneuvering that's required by a relic carrier/sword bearer. He stills adds a ton of value to the fireteam and is a good communicator. I'd take him on any fireteam, any day.
You have to learn to maximize the strengths of the people on your team if you want to be a leader.
I'll never give up the opportunity to play with some of my friends from RL, or my dad, so I'm happy to take care of the tougher parts for them.
The game is intended to be just that,... a game.
I like the thing you said about the team leader. You need to play to the strengths of your squad. Just because someone can't use relic doesn't mean they are bad