Last night, I was finishing up my Atheon kills on all my characters to end the week.
First two went smoothly, then I went on my 32 hunter and found a random team. (yes shoot me I don't have friends on all the time)
The team consisted of 3 32's 2 31's and a 30. I should not have assumed, but did that at least 2 people will be able to handle the relic. Turns out, we spent an hour and never got it done because I was teleported once everytime, the second time the relic holder always died.
As a 32, you should be able to handle the relic on atheon and on the templar. Some of you might say "but we never get the chance to". Go into normal mode and train yourself.
Some of you also might say "oh ha, scrub you should get him in one go anyway". Tell that to the people that think word of crota/plan c is doing a lot of damage on Atheon.
Point is, 32's AND 31's AND 30's should be able to or at least try handling the relic. It's not really that hard.
What do you guys think? I want to hear your thoughts on those that have had the same problem as me or from the people that haven't learned how to use the relic.
Edited by baldbean: 2/9/2015 7:21:41 PMI think it depends on the number of times they have run the raid and not necessarily the level number. People could have only done Crota and skipped VoG so being a 31 has no relevance to being able to handle the relic. Now if VoG was needed to reach 31 (no vendor gear) then I could see this being true. They would have forced people to raid which would have eventually given them time to learn the mechanics. Another thing is when you are new, the last thing people want is a new guy running the relic. They just want to hurry the F up and move on to bitching about the drops they didn't get or have gotten repeatedly. The majority community has no patience with new people. I ran into this issue the other night. We had 3 new guys a person who was leader and me (i have only run it a few times). We needed a 6th so we came to the forums for help. My experience each time was shoot the oracles in previous runs because I was new. In those runs when I asked to run the relic to learn, they all said no because they just wanted to get it over with. Which Is understand, but they hindered me learning to use it for future raids. So we find a sixth on the forums and explain we have some inexperienced people. He moans and says "oh god" very condescendingly and I tell him, "We are going to wipe several times so if he would like to leave its cool, no hard feelings". He stays so we carry on. We wipe several times and he just starts talking trash and yelling. "Its not F-ing hard, some one grab the relic and other people shoot the oracles". The new guys were so over this and just stopped grabbing the relic because they didn't want to be talked shit to and now probably want nothing to do with the relic. Some people can't take pressure, and other just lack patience. He eventually left along with the other new people. It was a sad day, 4 potential relic holders gone with very little chance of rehab.