originally posted in:Devize Sigma
Since the first raid group filled up so quickly ill be hosting my own group at the same time for anyone that missed the initial signup.
1. Funkwall - titan
2. EngagedWheel - hunter/titan
3. sharkahn44 - hunter
4. AllDeserveToDie
5. The God Within
6. capncracerjak9 - titan
3rd run 7:30-8 EST:
1. VermiculusDraco
2. Cerberusone77
3. trebbellZ
4. Mikescharms
5. TheD3ADKid - 30/31 hunter
6. crow t robot II - 32 hutner
Side note I am almost definitely going to be running 2-3 runs tn. Depending on how the first group goes we might attempt a hard mode run up too Deathsinger cp. Otherwise I will absolutely attempt another normal mode run on my warlock so anyone on reserve can have a shot at some loot!
So I'm going to be trying to make this a weekly ordeal. Every Sunday night ill post a new sign up for a Tuesday normal mode crota raid to help everyone get geared up for hard mode. Sign up early to secure your spot!
So how did the raid teams do?
I'll be available to play with Vermiculus' group. 32 hunter who can run sword. gt: crow t robot ii
Well if we get one more person I can take a 3rd group between 730-8 est.
I'll be available. 30 hunter. Probably will be 31 by raid time. GT TheD3ADKid
I won't be on till about 830..if you want to move me to one of the later groups
sign me up what time is the 3rd one happening...
I am available after 8:00 pm est maybe earlier if anyone needs a fill in 32 hunter 32 Warlock 31 Titan Happy to pop in and help with sections I don't have to get a complete run.
Damn it. Too late again. But I´ll be on anyways. So if you need replacement or want to do a second run after the first hit me up :D
32 titan 32 hunter (main) 30 warlock Since it looks full sign me up for reserve
AllDeserveToDie 31 Titan Striker/Defender
sign me up. thanks
Ill need 3. Im in
I'm in. Hunter and Titan 31. We doing 3 runs in a row? For those needing it?