originally posted in:The Marty Army
Ok. It might be too early to set up a clan-only raid (not to mention difficulties matching up people due to work shifts and timezones), but let's give it a shot.
I'll be ready to do a raid (so I assume) this week on the Xbox One. How about the rest of you? Remember, raids are exceedingly difficult, require lots of dedicated time and a minimum level of 25 (though it's really not possible to accomplish unless 26+). If you don't have a lot of time available during the week, please don't say you can make it. Phew. Well...let's see if we can do this. *fingers crossed*
In any case, for all who are ready to go through hell Tuesday, please list your:
-current level
-times available
-system(s) you have Destiny on
PS. - Although I [I]could[/I] play on Xbox One or Xbox 360, I'm not sure if we can set up checkpoints for multiple raids at the same time. If that [b]is[/b] the case, I could possibly do raids on both systems.
PPS. - Since we have no administrative presence on the Playstation systems, it remains to be seen if we can organize for the Playstation versions of Destiny (sorry).
Xbox One:
SteelAssassn (Steel Assassin) - Level 27 Sunsinger/Voidwalker, available anytime this week.
RedPanda1414- Level 27 Sunsinger, available any evening except Tuesdays
Garbage Eater - Level 27 Defender/Striker, available mainly on the weekends
SniperStealth - Level 25 Hunter, available mainly on the weekends
Not a commie spy (NobleJadeFalcon) -Level 26 Gunslinger/Bladedancer, available Friday nights and Saturdays
WinterValkyrie - Level 27 Hunter, available anytime, except weekend mornings and Thursday nights
Belafonte243 - Level 26 Gunslinger, available most evenings and weekends
PickachuOnCrack - Level 27 Gunslinger/Bladedancer, available anytime
Alright, let's try this again. Saturday, October 4. 8:30 pm EST. First come first serve. What say you?
Do we want to try again for VoG this weekend?
Edited by Garbage Eater: 9/22/2014 4:35:00 PMUpdated 9/22: I want to be a part but can really only play starting Friday night est time and all day Saturday/Sunday( literally all day) If anyone is available we could form a raid group and attempt to complete just to try it out. Emphasis on attempt... Lol Xbox one gt: Garbage Eater Lv 27 defender Titan (or striker, all abilities unlocked for both)
Edited by Steel Assassin: 9/27/2014 10:11:00 PMConsidering doing a raid tomorrow with clan members only. First come first serve if there's too many folks, if that becomes an issue. Thinking maybe 8pm EST? Edit: Let's see how 9pm EST does.
24 bladedancer varied availability PS4 I'd really like to tackle this thing.
Edited by jangotat1138: 9/25/2014 11:01:00 AMI can run at any time. Level 27 Voidwalker Warlock. I can run on either Xbox One or Xbox 360.
Current level is 24 hunter Availability is flexable with exception of mornings fridays sat and sun. Can do either xbone or 360 with ps4 a possibility by next week. Ill try and grind it out to 26 but raids need 6 people. Might have better luck if we try for next week.
Edited by Nanook: 9/16/2014 11:40:06 PMBelafonte243 Gunslinger level 26 most evenings and weekends PS4 LFM raids, nightfalls, heroics, farming, i have a big friends list, and have extensive MMO and FPS experience, I can lead a raid group, and have watched videos on the VOG and feel I have a grasp on being able to beat it. Anyone around 26 or higher or who is serious about end-game, add me.
Edited by Noble JadeFalcon: 9/25/2014 11:05:48 PM-Xbox One -Current Level - 27 - Hunter -Times available - Friday evenings and pretty much all of Saturday (Usually) -Sub class - Blade dancer is 21/27 and Gunslinger is 23/27 -GT: NobleJadeFalcon
Edited by PikachuOnCrack: 9/22/2014 3:58:09 AM-Ps4 -Psn: PickachuOnCrack -Hunter level 27 -Maxed BladeDancer and GunSlinger -Available every day (EST Time Zone)
Edited by SniperStealth: 9/22/2014 3:49:12 PMXbox One GT: SniperStealth - 25 Hunter Available mostly on weekends
PS3 PSN Nytrik level 25 Warlock Sunsinger 27/27 or Void 21/27 unlocked Timezone UTC +1 (I live in germany) 18 - 22 PM
Edited by Zen Red Panda: 9/23/2014 1:22:56 PMGT: RedPanda1414 Level: 27 Warlock Subclass: Sunsinger Availability: Any evening other than Tuesday Console: Xbox One I agree with WinterValkyrie, you need to be level 26 and it might be better to have at this at a later date, when everyone has a bit more stuff to throw at this thing. I'll still give it a crack if you want to, but I can't imagine it will be anything other than a slaughter if we don't have all of our collective bananas in a bunch.
Looking for raid team mates on 360. There is two of us now and possibly another. We striker27 and void26. Will be on from 3pm GMT+2 today. GT is my NarkV11