Doing fresh run on vault me and pal doing for a laff message meon psn you-just-k1lled
Edited by HotdogGobbler: 12/15/2015 2:57:58 AMNeed 4 for fresh PS4 VoG run msg Deaths_ _Glare for inv
Need 5 more for vog ntte gatekeeper cp add me Sjay04 ps4
314 warlock and 316 Titan looking for any cp
Looking to join a group at Atheon, need to finish the quest for No Time To Explain. gt: metalkid119. I am a 316 warlock xbox one
Looking to join a group at Atheon, need to finish the quest for No Time To Explain. gt: metalkid119. xbox one
Looking to join a group, I am a 316 warlock gt: metalkid119 xbox one
315 Titan Looking to join any group at any check point/ Preferably atheon but shoot me an inv ! Same gt as above PurpleCareBurr
Lf4m for VoG mssg xtry aga1nx xbox one
Lfg vault of glass 309 titan for quest NTTE Inv xtry aga1nx xbox one
Add TheCrazyApe PS4
Need 4 more x1
(Xbox 360) am looking for a atheon cp on any difficulty message Z3R01121 if i can join atheon cp plz ^that's a zero by the way
Aye who wants to do a quick vog run ps4 gt above need 3
Edited by Adderall Ape: 11/11/2015 10:20:20 PM309 Hunter with Black spindle, Sleeper Simulant, and Touch of Malice. I can run the relic and am looking for an atheon checkpoint or anything after the Templar. PS4: KillaGuerilla_26
304 hunter needing atheon cp for the no time to explain. Psn Evthefreak69
Looking to join a group for no time quest Ps4
Edited by lAstonishah x: 11/11/2015 4:17:21 PMLooking to do atheon for the no time to explain I have a gate keeper checkpoint message me gt same as above LAstonishah X Xbox 1
Looking todo quick vog run ps4. Add emptytube
Add FatalxLegacy300 for vog
Need 4 for VOG NTTE quest line add Devoziner
Need a team for fresh vog add jml2160
313 hunter starting vog group message for inv
310 hunter lf vog fireteam add Devoziner
308 lock for vog any difficulty ps4 name same add above