3 all 300+ (2 Titans and a Hunter) looking for normal Oryx cp. Two of us had the cp but never got to finish the raid. They know what to do. If anyone with the cp is welling to help out we would appreciate it. Thanks
PS4 Hard mode totems cp. we need 3 experienced/patient people. We will be going for golgorath challenge.
Sisters CP Hard. Need 5 hardcore raiders 312+. Must have TOM. Doing no knight strat after. Add and join.
Need 4 for fresh hard run 310+ fast run. Know what you are doing or will get kicked. 318 Warlock and 317 Hunter Add GARFUNCAL
Need 2 for sisters hard
Need 2 for golgarath hard
Fresh normal run. Only experienced players who know what their doing. PSN- Cerberus7845 (ps4)
Fresh normal run. Only experienced players who know what their doing. PSN- Cerberus7845 (ps4)
Looking to join a fresh hard challenge run 316 Warlock Add GARFUNCAL
Need 2 more 310+ for fresh hard raid Add GARFUNCAL
Need 1 more 310+ titan for kings fall hard at totems Add GARFUNCAL
I need 2 more no place for mercy players To do the hard raid 314 light or dont add me Lets do it kwick I dont have time to explain the raid Add xxOnShotxx If you wanna do it kwick
Looking for nm warpriest cp 313 hunter
315 Titan looking to join a group that knows what they are doing for a fresh hard run Add GARFUNCAL
Looking for members to play Kings Fall HM. Add: Requsitioned on PSN
Titan 313 looking for fresh run HARD Add me if you already have a party xxOnShotxx
Need 2 bubbles for fresh hard mode
311 raidneed 4 more for a fresh hard mode
315 Titan looking to join a very good team for fresh hard run, want to get it done fast and easy. If you got a good team add GARFUNCAL
Need 2 at totems for hard be good and know what you are doing please Add GARFUNCAL
Looking to join a good raid team for a fresh run we are 316 Hunter and 314 titan we've done it all and are very good raid players. Don't waste our time looking to get it done in decent time Add GARFUNCAL
Need 1 for kings fall normal totem Add aeffectz
We need one last person hard raid minimum 312 Chek point oryx lets do it kwick no knigt add xxOnShotxx
Daughters cp hard. Need 2 experienced players. Tom, spindle and emblem. Must be 312+. Gonna do no night strat after. Add and join. GT same as above.