Looking for 3 more for fresh normal
LF 1 Fresh Normal KF. 300+ light. ToM pref. Exp needed. Add name above and join.
Psn: Artugioo Light level 313 Titan looking for oryx hm cp, very experienced at the fight and mechanics
313 hunter, daughters CP. Hard. invite or join only if you're 312+ and know the "No knight Strat" for Oryx. PLEASE be pro and highly experienced, looking for speed run. Esp_-oa7h
NEED 1 for hard warpriest (; add me: datguyandres18
Lvl 306 hunter looking for fresh normal mode raid. Have ToM and mic. Inv: TebourgNation
Need 4 for sisters normal add g_thirty5_b
LF 5 Fresh Normal KF. 300+ light. ToM pref. Exp needed. Add name above and join.
Cp war priest need 5
Looking for three for a fresh normal raid, with mic. Psn is the same shown above, thanks guardians!
Lvl 306 hunter looking for fresh normal mode raid. Have ToM and mic. Inv: TebourgNation
Need 2 more for normal fresh run add dam-avfc
Oryx hard cp no night strat add marshy_129
300+ , experienced, normal raid. Starting at sisters. Need 2. Please have a mic. Me: 303 Hunter Duvalcountvet711
313 hunter, daughters CP. Hard. invite or join only if you're 312+ and know the "No knight Strat" for Oryx. PLEASE be pro and highly experienced, looking for speed run. Esp_-oa7h
Need 5 for fresh normal. Please know what to add Add: Mrs_robotic
312 Titan looking for hard oryx cp
308 hunter looking for hard mode war priest I have tom spindle and sleeper I also have a second person to join
KF hard fresh add Dsquad 310+
312 Titan looking for 5 on totems hard add tgc_draco666
[quote]Need 1 Titan 310+ light at sisters add haiasi35370[/quote]
Sisters cp hard GT above
Lfg who's on sisters normal mode I will join I am Hunter 305 have touch of malice add me daveace
2 more for oryx cp normal mode. Must have experience and minimum level 300 Add asskikka
317 lock LF totems checkpoint
307 titan looking to join a team doing hard fresh. I know what to do.