307 titan looking to join a team doing hard fresh. I know what to do.
Need 5 good players for sisters check point must have 300+light add Gerson_13_2001
Add gns2500 fresh hard must be above 307 and have touch of malice or black spindle need 3 more
307 titan looking to join a team doing hard fresh. I know what to do.
Need 5 people for kings fall normal add me saki1725
King Fall normal before warprist add GNKK-Dope pls know what to Do
310 warlock looking to join fresh run on normal or hard add me
293 Hunter looking to do Kings Fall for the first time. PSN Le1337table
Need one for sisters on ps4 normal, be 300 light and have a mic. Add and join GammaCrushh.
Need one for sisters on ps4 normal, be 300 light and have a mic. Add and join GammaCrushh.
Fresh normal Add GARFUNCAL
Need 1 for warpriest hard mode Have: 310+ light Black spindle ToM Emblem Must know no-knight strategy (if majority wants to do it normal that's also fine) Add Xx7sean7xX Ps4
Looking for kings fall normal fresh or any checkpoint add me 305 Tom
Hosting totem checkpoint on normal kings fall raid I prefer 300+ and you must know what to do msg me or friend me name same as above need 5 more
Lfg to do normal raid. Have 296 Hunter with Touch of Malice and Black Spindle. Have done the raid 3 time through. Want to get my Hunter gear
314 Titan defender very exp got Tom, spindle etc Got mic Looking for a group to join oryx cp on hard Add fifty-caliberr
Need 3 normal golgroth have emblem add xjaydabossxx
Need 5 for oryx normal cp that knows what they're doing I beaten it before and also hard and I want to get this done quick add coldchickens123
Edited by Ashara: 11/11/2015 6:53:06 PMI'm a noob at the King's Fall Raid. I only know how to do all the parts before The Warpreist. So somebody guide me? I have a Titan and a Hunter 295, any subclass.
Need 1 for hard king fall warpreist cp Add aeffectz
Need 1 for hard king fall warpreist cp Add aeffectz
Need 5 for ps4 oryx normal, know how to beat him, no assholes allowed, add sorcerer_ and join
I have oryx normal CP. add me, same as above
Need 4 for kings fall hard lil-_-beast_-123 No knight strat Touch of malice would be nice but a sniper is. Must 307+