1 more for war priest Add ShaftyPants
[PS4] 312 lock lfg for fresh normal kings fall run i have tom, spindle, sleeper and all the other goodies
Totems psn Vemehh mic needed 296+ experienced players
Need 3 for Orxy cp know what to do and be 295+ light add name above
Kingsfall fresh run normal need 5 more 300+only
Need 2 for totems normal add zombiehunter652
Kingsfall fresh run normal need 5 more 300+only
Kingsfall fresh run need 5 more 300+only
Need 5 for fresh norm raid run add xFear_Vx
Need 3 for fresh normal raid add mattg0317
[quote]Need 2 more for hard fresh run. Add XxMafia_ChrisxX Be experienced 310+ Need a titan[/quote]
Need team for fresh hard raid. Must beat raid. Must be good. 310 + Add taggedup7 and specify class and light level No knight strategy as well. I'm using 315 hunter
Need 1 311+titan at oryx hard mode Add ps4 gt: venomstrikesback
GOLGOROTH cp normal 295+ Experienced
Need 4 for warpriesst hard . Speed running the rest of the raid
we need 3 more for oryx cp add me Spartan_hulk187
Looking to do a fresh run of Kingsfall on Normal. No NEWBIES!!! No carry ons!!! Quick run!!! Must know what to do in each part or you will be tasting my nice shiny leather boots in your arse.
Need gaze runner for golgoroth
Need 1 for totems hard. 310+
Fresh hard need relic runner 312+ with hard mode emblem. Specify in friend request that u are relic guy. Psn same. Must have TOM and good sniper.
GOLGOROTH cp 295+ Experienced 2 MORE PEOPLE
GOLGOROTH cp 295+ 4 more Experienced
Lf 5 Oryx cp Normal Psn: jeffrey595
Need 5 for fresh hard run. Must be 312+ and VERY experienced. Add me tallhall87
310 Titan lfg fresh hardmode have emblem and Tom add^
312 warlock looking for a glyph cp? And a fireteam that is 310+ and knows what they are doing and beaten hard multiple times. I don't want to waste time I want to do a quick run !!!!!!!!