Need 4 for fresh normal. Must be experienced. Add TheKingOfFOC
Need two for oryx hard. Need a runner and must know no knight strat
Looking for a hardmode fresh run
Add me gologroth cp 300+ need 5 normal
Need 3 for sisters normal. Must know what they're doing, message/ friend request if interested
I have a sisters cp normal. Please have experience, or be willing to learn. Psn is Salgathor
Need 2 more for fresh kings fall on PS4. Trying to help 3 others learn the ropes. I'm 303 hunter with ToM. Add Big_Jimmm
305 Hunter, very experienced. Looking to join group for daughters on normal. Add InfectedPancake and I'll join
Need 3 for fresh hard mode! 310+ light Add xholycrap
313 Titan, multiple clears each week, looking to do oryx cp hm only, no time to teach today, please only experienced group (doesn't mean you watched videos) send chat invite NOT friend request they will b ignored. Psn glumbo-2
Oryx cp hard need 5 310+ (no knight strategy) Add iRecklesz143
312 warlock with malice and hard emblem looking for experienced group with hard oryx cp add LaFlame1990
Need 5 for kings fall raid psn ninjakaden90
Need 3 for kingsfall NORMAL golgoroth. My Psn is Nova195
Need 2 for normal fresh raid add mr_fresh804
Fresh hard add m-3-j-1-a
Fresh Normal RAiD.... Be 302 & above... With emblems and good snipers. Please have experience. Not trying to be an ass just trying to do a quick run on Normal to help a friend. I usually run hard raids... PSN iD, MrM3D1NA
Hunter 298 for fresh normal king raid psn: UndrwtrHunter
Need 1 at oryx 312+, we just 5 manned sisters so get the -blam!- in here :) "No Knights Strat" Esp_-oa7h
NEED 1 for hard warpriest (; add me: datguyandres18
Need 1 for totems normal. Please know what to do Add: Mrs_robotic
313 hunter, daughters CP. Hard. Need 1only if you're 312+ and know the "No knight Strat" for Oryx. PLEASE be pro and highly experienced, looking for speed run. Esp_-oa7h
Need 5 for fresh Hard, 311+ with exp Add: raz5274 and join
309 Titan lf hardmode Oryx cp, beaten him twice, has ToM, knows both strats
Need 4 add ogxblitz golgorth checkpoint
Looking for 3 more for fresh normal