The chalice?
Edited by Pyrogi: 6/14/2015 10:54:28 PMHawkmoon
Chamber of Night area. Where Telethor spawns.
Murmo Xur spawn the wizard futon phogoth
Hmm 3 realities in the VoG among the ranks, is it the mythoclast?
Edited by ABDEL__1994: 6/14/2015 10:52:33 PMCan't delete comments..... Bumo
Edited by Praise the sun : 6/14/2015 10:52:13 PMIr yut
The Deathsinger?
Ppl keep sayin shrieked but you ain't respondin'...
The wurm cultists that spawn during the gulrot fight
Edited by ABDEL__1994: 6/14/2015 10:52:14 PMCan't delete comments Bump.....
Valus Trau'ug?
Is it the Crystal you touch to activate the crota fight?
The Forsaken
Husk of the pit/ eidolon ally/ crux of crota/ nechrochasm
Edited by CalebM102: 6/14/2015 10:47:28 PMA hive shreiker.
Presence of crota?
Last guess for , is it a hive tomb ship?
Sardok eye of oryx
Sardon Fist of Crota
The Hellmouth
Mormu Xol spawn
Ir Yût herself?
Edited by Zoltar: 6/14/2015 10:40:53 PMNecrochasm. The scope is a u shape. Pinching it tears through reality. It shoots a low pitch sound and the cursed thrall explosion makes a high pitched sound