1 frame per second
Is the phrase in the comment section?
Edited by RadmanSparks: 7/26/2015 5:16:49 PM60 frames per second 16.9 or 11 or 4:04
Screw the rules, I have money! 11
Thor: the dark world 11
Darkness world 11
Y'all getting really close
I'm pretty sure the number is xi in Roman numerals or just plain 11 since they are equal obviously. What is this fricken phrase???
Deez nuts 11
Edited by AIph3: 7/26/2015 5:03:19 PMIs it: suck my unadulterated ass - 7/7/15
AREA 184
Let the beat drop xi
Is it full version 4:04?
Is it still good 7/10?
Edited by RadmanSparks: 7/26/2015 4:15:51 PMNew riddle to pass the time: What does Valus Ta'aruc have in common with California?
2:16~~2:25這裡完全抄襲東方同人bgm XDD 2:26~~2:38有稍微變更 is that it?
^Final final answer
Niflheimr xi
Edited by Sjur Eido: 7/26/2015 4:25:34 PMCalendar date: 09-Nov-2013 = IX-XI-MMXIII in Roman numerals Day, 09 = IX Month, Nov (11) = XI. X = 10. I = 1 Year, 2013 = MMXIII. MM = 2 000. X = 10. III = 3
The best part starts at 2:22
xi (zaɪ; saɪ; ksaɪ; ksiː) n, pl xis 1. (Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) the 14th letter in the Greek alphabet (Ξ, ξ), a composite consonant, transliterated as x
Published on Nov 9, 2013
Watch again 4:04
Edited by RadmanSparks: 7/26/2015 4:04:21 PM8.5 or 16.10 aspect ratio 4:04