Prison of elders?
Atheon. 3 places you view with the past and future as well as present And the present is the fighting part
Sepiks prime ... if its a no i challenge you to saying 'no' in another bloody language
THE BLACK GARDEN Reasoning... 3 bosses Conductor is black vex mind When you destroy it reality returns If its not you can count me as officially beaten....
A Gorgon?
Is it quodron? Explanation in spoiler [spoiler]As they bound back and forth inside rooms with three walls and three floors, I am there also, among their ranks. There are three places from which they view my target, but only one whence I strike. I deal my dealings as one glides across a "U" shaped conductor. I am a high pitch and a low pitch. Pinch me, and I will respond with the tearing of reality. There are three walls in the vex room, also three floors... He is among the "ranks" being a chronovorised gate lord There are three place people go to kill the eye and him When he "strikes" he deals his damage in a bubble which is a U if you flip the U upside down minotaurs can have both a high pitch battle cry and a low pitch battle cry When you disturb him he responds with tearing reality to form the bubble in which contain you[/spoiler]
Hive knight
Undying mind?
Edited by bcmatt13: 6/14/2015 10:02:41 PMThe bridge in Crota's end
How about sardon?
Crota room where the boss fight happens
Sepiks prime
Death singer
Travelers light?
The Archive?
Edited by BingoBangoBungo: 6/14/2015 10:02:10 PMTaniks Eyes of Crota Servant of Crota
The bridge in destiny because of the three platforms but the middle one can kill you
The Nexus Mind?
The Totems in the bridge part