The Totems in the bridge part
Could I send you A riddle
Is it taniks, the scarred
Time's Vengeance
Where the 3 witches are in that story mission next to that big black hive conductor , there are 3 walls
The nexus from the blackgarden strike (don't remember the name)
A ghost?
Edited by Amok: 6/14/2015 9:56:32 PMRasputin?
Kaliks Reborn?
Ascendant sword during crota fight?
The GateKeepers in Crotas end
I'm almost positive it's the VOG gatekeeper
Swordbearer at the end of Crota?
Oracles cum to mind for sum reason :) don't know y
[quote]Good luck with this one. This one was especially hard to make. Hopefully it's worth it! Who/What am I? As they bound back and forth inside rooms with three walls and three floors, I am there also, among their ranks. There are three places from which they view my target, but only one whence I strike. I deal my dealings as one glides across a "U" shaped conductor. I am a high pitch and a low pitch. Pinch me, and I will respond with the tearing of reality.[/quote] Ir yut, the death singer?
I feel like it's a shrieker because of the high pitch and low pitch But then I feel like it's Crota because of the u shape
This is probably wrong, but I'm going with the oracles.
The skolas fight