Armoured Tigers XBox
"We are Guardians. We do not flee, we stand, we fight, we win!"
originally posted in:Armoured Tigers XBox
Welcome to the Armoured Tigers - whether you are either a fully affiliated [b]CLAN MATE[/b] or a [b]GROUP MEMBER[/b]. If you wish to become an affiliated member of the Clan, please read below.
[b]Group members have the same access abilities within the clan as affiliated clan mates except for the following;[/b]
1. The Clan name "[b]ARMOURED TIGERS[/b]" is only displayed in the GT banner of affiliated clan mates and not group members
2. Group members only; will not be considered for Clan Admin spots
3. Affiliated Clan Mates shall be given preference or 1st refusal for vacate RAID spots.
Joining the Clan is a two step process. To be a Clan Mate, first you must join the group
[b]Step 1[/b]
Go the website - located within the Clan Title Name Banner at the top of the page there is a "tab" entitled "Join Group" select this tab.
The Clan/Group Admins will be notified and asked to either Approve or Deny your acceptance.
Once approved you may proceed to the next step. You will be notified whether the Admins have approved or denied your request.
[b]Step 2[/b]
Return to the website - now you should notice that the "tab" previous entitled "Join Group" has now been re-titled as "Set group as your Clan (or similar wording)" select this tab. If you cannot see this this tab.
Check the tab to the left which is entitled "INTERACT" select this tab and check if the "Set group as your clan" is located there
Once again, the Clan/Group Admins will be notified and asked to either Approve or Deny your acceptance.
When approved, The Clan name "[b]Armoured Tigers[/b]" will be set and displayed within your GT banner within Destiny.