The Saints Defiance
"Defy the laws that constrain you"
originally posted in:The Saints Defiance
So Saints, since the reset is tomorrow, I'd like to know, what have YOU accomplished this week? Was it Skolas falling to your Gally? Did you visit the lighthouse? Maybe even went 25-0 in Crucible? Let the clan know what you've done! Remember, as the reset falls tomorrow, new challenges arise within the Destiny universe!
As we all know I have implemented a new event for us named "Player of the Week". We're always watching, listening, and even creeping on your profile. Maybe we're creeping on you changing in the bathroom... But as always, we want to give players recognition on their accomplishments and contributions to the clan. After all, we are Saints, and we defy all odds against us, even if it means logging in to bungie.net and replying on the forums (lazy bastards!)
I also have an announcement. One of your brother Saints has been promoted to admin. FadedNarrator is a new admin and also -dramatic drum roll- he is our new Crucible Handler! If any of you need help or advice shoot him a message! As for you PvE Saints out there, I myself am always up to any kind of PvE. Whether it be Raiding parties, PoE, or even frikkin Strikes, I am ALWAYS down to play (as well as many others within the clan).
So once again Saints, what have YOU done this week? Let us know!
And as always, Stay awesome Saints