The Saints Defiance
"Defy the laws that constrain you"
originally posted in:The Saints Defiance
Hey there Saints, since the 2.0.0 patch has dropped I've been really dissecting Destiny to it's core. Some changes have been huge, others have been small, fine tunes here and there. One thing I have noticed in the Crucible is that Hard Light and Necrocasm have become Godly when used against me (not when I use them apparently). If anyone has played PvP with me, they know I use Pulse Rifles. That's not the case anymore since weapons got a fine tune. I myself run with Scout Rifles now and boy did they get a buff. Saints, what is your new PvP set up if any changes at all?
Now for you PvE players, how do you like the new bounty set up? I love the new layout, and the fact you can hold so many. What I don't like is that patrol missions don't contribute to anything other than bounties now. Also, if any of you haven't heard, there are new ghosts laying about in the Destiny universe, and I'm not going to spoil where they are. So get on your Sparrow and get your ass moving! (Hint: There's one in the Crota Raid now!)
Who else is loving these new maps on Crucible? Or the new game modes? To me, Rift is great fun, but I can't get a stable connection to the servers for the life of me. Which I believe it's due to Bungie's servers being overloaded. But what about Mayhem? You don't even have to be the best at PvP to play this game type. And it's great fun! So get a Fireteam together and head over there.
So in 2 days and 3 hours from the time writing this forum, Oryx shows up in the Solar System. And there's talk he's a bit of an asshole and wants to steal all of your exotics and subclasses (so I've heard.) And the Saints will be standing there to put a stop to him. If you don't already have a Fireteam to take him down, I suggest you start asking. Myself and a few others are going to brave this new frontier and meet Oryx head on. So wish us luck!
As I close out this segment, I leave you all with a question. What do you look forward to in TheTaken King? Maps? New exotics? Raid? Let me know what you guys are antsy about. I will see you all in the Dreadnaught.
Stay Awesome Saints!