Thanks for the kind welcome everyone! I look forward to running with you As luck would have it my play station plus subscription ended but I'll be able to get it back very soon. In the middle of moving, but I'll add all you guys on psn and we will hunt together soon!
Welcome to SFC Feel free to hit me up if you ever want to play or just need some help! :)
Send Guledan a friend request on ps4. I'll do my best to get you into the raids and teach you how to get them done.
Hey, sorry I couldn't game with you... was just leveling my hunter and was wrapping up for the night when you joined. I should be on tomorrow, so I can help with whatever. See you later.
Welcome! Even though I haven't done 32 PoE, I'd really like to start. Hit me up when you run one. And which console are you on?