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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
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    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Hi I am 23 and would like to get to know and play with others on Destiny and I enjoy playing with other like minded people

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  • Hello, I'm 20 years old and have some good experience with Destiny. And by good experience, I mean that I enjoy the game and am not likely to rage-quit or get frustrated with other players. Even if I don't join the full clan, I'll be glad to help others in need when I'm not watching Game of Thrones or join up with fellow guardians looking to overcome the challenges ahead. I play Xbox One and duke it out with my Warlock. -Guardian Out-

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  • Also How do i quit a clan?

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  • 25 here and veteran. Just looking for like minded individuals to play with. Hit me up

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  • Very cool you got featured! Bet the requests came pouring in quickly. I am 30 years old, have three level 34 characters (2 Titans and 1 hunter). I am a day one player and like to run pve as much as I can. I know what I am doing and am happy to help out noobs whenever I'm around. My schedule is sporadic but I can usually find time each week to run nightfall x 3, vog hard once, and Crota normal x 3 (still no black hammer). I can also do Poe well. Pretty much anything except pvp. Next time I'm On I will look to the clan for a fire team rather than lfg. I'm sick of the kids out on summer break!

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  • Edited by JuGGerGirL x115: 8/29/2015 6:29:53 AM

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  • I'm 33 can I join

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  • Edited by Frozen_Expo: 8/29/2015 4:12:32 AM
    Hi, I'm 1 day old, was born yesterday. But seriously 18+? Is it because of maturity? Not all under 18 gamers are immature ya know. I would not like to join your clan. You want to play with other adults? This is a T for teen game, morons these days.

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    8 Replies
    • Thanks for the invite I'm insaneassassink I know childish don't let it deter you from thinking I'm younger I am 22 And I have an Xbox360 and I am willing to help with anything you see fit.

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    • Hey guys my gt is POTATOxLION on Xbox one. I am 22 years old. I am looking for some friends to play through the story mode and do raids, trials, etc. I have a 34 Hunter but now decided I think it's time to make a TItan and Warlock. I would love to be able to play with some friends! If you can message me on here or on Xbox so I can add you and start playing Destiny! Btw I am working full time so I'm on usually every morning early from 430 am est to 830. And start about 430-9 est.

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    • Hey there! I am also very interested in joining the group and participating in raids! I am BYM-3 on the PS4, a level 29 Titan (currently) near the end of the first expansion. I live on the east coast, and usually have to pull the plug at about 10:30 pm during the work week (can play a bit later on weekends, though!) Holler if you or others would like to play some time!

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      2 Replies
      • I'm 24 father of a toddler work 3:30 to midnight or later through the week have most weekends off would love to help other guardians or play for fun I'm a decently regular and serious player have been since day one I play xb1 gt is Captain Defiant would love to find a clan n be able to get some achievements that are unavailable to those with no previous luck my names Jay :)

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      • Hey I would like to join your clan. I like to have fun, laugh, and get things done. I'm 19 years old. I play on the Xbox One. My GT is: OG Sagely. And I'm pretty active and willing to help.

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      • Hey there. I would like to join your clan. The previous clan I was in was definitely not for me, so please consider me. I'm a pretty okay Hunter and I really am over 18. Okay bye.

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      • I'm looking to join the clan if possible. I'm a decent player and enjoy helping others. My clan has pretty much abandoned me and I would love help with trials of osiris and lvl 35 prison of elders. I strive to be the best in every game type and have fun while doing it. My psn is smdandgfys and look forward to hearing from you.

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      • [quote]As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC![/quote] Heya just joined here im quite active in the early morning (eastern u.s. canada) always looking for new mates to play with an u guys seem wicked chill add me to ur friends list an send me invites im also on the idk if u guys have a group there

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      • Hey there! Im the Founder of Lone Wolf King & it is our Playstation Clan. I read everything that yalls clan has to offer & i really enjoy how your clan is made & how it became about. I was just wondering if our clan can become allies with you because our clan is also friendly & share some of same friendly environment aspects as yall.

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        1 Reply
        • Even though you're at 100, if anyone would like to play and get ready for TTK, just message me on my gamertag dexbishop for help. I play nightly after 9 and can play at other times when needed, just hit me up. I'd like to get to know more gamers playing Destiny as I've only been playing since Christmas and only know about 5 other people that play. Anyway! Have fun and hopefully I'll see you all on a fireteam in the future!

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        • Hoping to join when you have space 41yr old dad. Add me...XB1 GT same.

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        • Joined the group deffly looking forward to having teammates in the crucible

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        • Not sure how you managed to be featured by bungie but congrats none the less. Hope you all continue to succeed and move forward. Good luck out there my fellow guardians

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          1 Reply
          • Very interested in joining! 33 years old and on just about every night, add me on ps4 if you ever need an extra. Doctollerino

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            3 Replies
            • Hey just signed up , i think? so i wanted to say hello to everyone. Im 40+ on XB1 gamer tag same as above.

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              2 Replies
              • Would like to join im 24 casual player always will to help out hit me up for eany thing im on the ps4

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                2 Replies
                • (Recruitment request) I'd like to joinyour clan I'm 18 and have all 34s

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                  • Would like to join!

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