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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Can i please join yall 26 year old dad plays alot on weekends and late at night

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    1 Reply
    • Hi there would love a chance to join your clan, I have been trying to join a clan for a while now. I have done pretty much everything and I am willing to help other along the way for the end gsme content would appreciate a chance to join also don't mind talking on the mic aswell

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    • I would like to join your clan if there is still room. Psn name Cyrinos i am a few winters past 18 so im pretty sure i meet that requieredment. I play usually at night PST and weekends when I have time since I work and the wife and stuff.. Thanks

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      1 Reply
      • Hello, I'm looking for a clan in which my current skills will be further enhanced. I'm a twenty-two year old Englishman who's currently studying to be a Nuclear Physicist. I'm not on until about 13-14:00 my time. Time zones may be to where you're just waking up. I play Xbox One and don't mind trying effortlessly. I've played since Alpha on my PS4, however that's just sitting my my garage. If ever you need a hand let me know. -GBC Natalia

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      • Hi I am lutin1958 I am looking to join a clan I am definitely over 18 and not shy in saying that Iam 56 and enjoying this game I have tried to join a clan for awhile without success. I need some help in some of the strikes and .... I enjoy the PVE and really not good at pvp I have observed that your clan has reached it s limit and would be nice if I could join your clan. Thanks in advance and would be a pleasure to play with any of your clan members.

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      • Hello other guardians, i havent started a clan yet but i am trying to start one just like this one, 18+ laid back but also wanting to complete all end game activities & help others. Anyone that sees this and is looking for people to play with i have a decent amount of people ready to join but would love for more people. To network out and help anyone that needs it. Im on ps4 so if your interested just send me a friend request with a message that says "clan" and ill add u and get you into the clan as soon as its up. No name yet

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      • Down for anything Run more pvp than anything Xbox 1 GT:OGChiefen

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      • Hi i am a fellow australian always helping others always online , either crucible or raids , poe, i play both consoles so i can help where needed im aged 28 so im very adultish ;) gamer tags , jarra87 (ps4) AuNoRecoil (xb1)

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      • Hello everyone, I go by Y STICK U on XBL. I'm a 25 years young husband from Ohio. I also ride a motorcycle and motovlog on YouTube. I mainly play Xbox One but i can play on 360. I have all characters level 34 (until update) i prefer my warlock but play on all. I enjoy helping others with end game content. If you need help feel free to add or msg me. I primarily play in early mornings 1-5 am (EST) wednesdays and thursday (anytime until work changes) and on weekends mainly early mornings. So let me know how I can help you out!

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      • Edited by mudsurfer9060: 8/31/2015 7:17:44 AM
        I'd like to join names Robert Palmer im 26. I have a lvl 34 hunter (my personal favorite) and a lvl 34 titan. I run different things daily. Very good and always up for anything biggest thing is I dont like to go and be ridiculous during the game. It is just that a game the people that freak out and lose their cool during a game, take the fun out of it. I'm a very chill individual who just likes to play the game and enjoy it for what it is. I'm all ready to get everything set for TTK, love this game.

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      • 100 per console? Or 100 total? If its per console, I guess I made it in...

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      • I might be interested but just like you i wanna see you guys in action add me FinalSurvivalist ps4 n 3 think of it like a trial both for you and me you see how i play and reaction and i see if you guys a fit for me

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      • Edited by Cooky_uk: 8/31/2015 6:18:17 AM
        Hi there I am a 45 year old Husband and Dad Play most evenings and weekends and been playing since release I have level 34 Hunter and Titan with a level 31 Warlock in build Looking for a clan with like minded helpful people. Gamertag cooky_uk Cheers. Cooky.

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      • Edited by tedart35: 8/31/2015 6:09:18 AM
        Names victor 21 from Pennsylvania just to give a shout out to your clan good job!! Hope to play with anyone of you fellow adults. Oh plus I got an important question for the owner of this clan

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      • Hey guys. Names Marquis. 22 year old male from Florida. On every day whether it's helping someone get through stuff, hunting for certain items or just pvp. It'd be nice to get involved in both the clan and the group. Anytime you guys are on just let me know. I'm always down for Destiny. Hope to game with you guys soon.

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      • hey there I've been reading about you guys in the article an it just seems perfect. I'm 22yr old male from new zealand name is Jayden i have completed everything for end game so far an i do enjoy helping out others. i was in a clan but as destiny progress on the clan lost interest so basically become a lone wolf posting up in forums trying to get help or to help others out. i play on the ps4 and would be keen to join and help others in need i do enjoy both pve and pvp the only downside is i work morning/afternoons it would awesome to have a clan that is passionate to the game as i am an especially for the taken king to. if you guys are interested my psn is Alpha_Wolf-47

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      • Hello, I am 21 years old, mainly PvP, Ioften play with personal friends or y myself, I read the article and would like to see what SFC is about.

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      • Edited by HumanTorche23: 8/31/2015 5:41:46 AM
        I like what you guys have going on here, your clans rather large. That's great to see, my clan isn't incredibly huge but have the same motto and minds like yours. I think it'd be great for our guilds to collaborate and get to know each other every once in a while

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      • Hi! Im a 22 Yr old Destiny gamer that would be very much interested in joining your clan. Reading the front page article about you guys made me feel like your group is what im all about in destiny. I have completed everything that there is to complete in terms of endgame, but doing it in LFG gets frustrating sometimes. If you guys would be interested I would be up for playing whenever and whatever! (barring work) I am mainly on Xbox 1 Gt: Dr Gd N Sxxy

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      • I have to say, clan-searching may very well be soul-searching as you try to find those of similar characteristics as your gamer self; it ain't easy and takes time and patience (why didn't I just say Patience and Time?) First of all, I would like to commend your clan for making it to the Bungie blog, a feat that was surely well-deserved. Second, upon reading that entry, it's clear that Bungie is built on good relationships and they want to pass this etiquette on to its legion of followers may it be on any platform. It feels good to know that, as a gamer, Bungie connects those who share the same discipline that they have and in so doing a community that is vibrant and inviting is formed. I play on the PS4, I got Destiny on launch and have since then managed to create 3 characters from all 3 races and classes level 34 and is ready to take the challenges to be sent our way by the upcoming Taken King expansion. Allow me to share that as a Destiny gamer, I, too enjoy helping others progress in Destiny. In fact, just this week I helped a young lad rank up his Warlock past light level and his reaction upon reaching level 20 may be a very proud moment for us both. As for myself, I found that I have been having trouble doing the things I want to do in Destiny on my own, sure enough I can and enjoy doing them alone but lately I figured I would like to accomplish more, fast. I consider myself to play 60% PvE, 40% PvP. I do enjoy both but I'm inclined to finish Nightfall strikes, Weekly Heroics, all of the Prison of Elders and the two main Raids every week. Lately I haven't been able to do any and it has made me more and more uninterested to play. LFG helps but at times you don't find players willing to cooperate with what is really being accomplished in-game. Perhaps I can join this clan and have renewed motivation to keep playing otherwise I may call it a game. PSN: THE7THSlGN

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      • Hello, like many others here, I saw the article on Bungie. I must say, you have to be doing something right to merit that kind of attention! Definitely caught my eye and interest. I am a 47 year old husband and father on the west coast who has been desperately seeking a clan or group to complete the end game content of year one. I am not sure how to actually "apply". I have enjoyed playing Destiny and play most evenings. What is frustrating has I have not even been able to even complete a nightfall strike as I have no friends who play Destiny on Xbox one. The few times I have began with others they bail. This, for me has been a very frustrating aspect of the Destiny universe. I work full time during the day and love to escape in the world of Destiny. I am not a great player and I will be the first to admit it. I have not had the luxury of pouring 40 hours a week into every detail of this game. Does not mean we who of a more mature age should be berated by other players for not knowing every facet of the game. Looking for a clan that can instruct and advise with constructive criticism and in turn will receive a dependable, loyal and mature team mate. GT is Pacific1derland. Playing on Xbox one P.S.T. I am sure you have plenty of qualified players with far better resume than I swarming to your clan after Bungie's article. But if there is ever a spot for a humble hunter, please let me know. If any one actually reads this. Thank you, I appreciate it.

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        15 Replies
        • Hello, I am 31 and I love playing Destiny. I am really excited about The Taken King and I ABSOLUTELY a PVE guy. I am extremely patient when it comes to MMO and raiding thanks to eight years of World of Warcraft. I am online quite a bit. I am always up for doing VOG, Crota's End, Nightfall Strikes and heck even dailies! Don't be afraid to send me an invite. I am a level 33 Warlock and I play on the PS4. Thank you, hope to see you guys soon!

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        • Hey all. I will be 21 in a few months and am looking for and to help anyone I can. A lot of my friends playing destiny stopped and I am just looking for a good group to play with. Shoot me a message on xbone or on here if you want to play at all. Last thing I really need is to beat skolas so looking for anyone who can help me with that.

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        • Hi everyone, my name is Daniel, but everyone calls me Wilson (last name/nickname). Im 25 and from Adelaide in Australia. Generally up for anything when i manage to get online, so feel free to shoot me an invite or friend request, i play Xbox one. GT is WilsonReani

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        • Hello everyone!! I am 21 yrs old and have been playing destiny since the beta. I love playing destiny but it is so much better with friends. I do not have many because they have all quit playing video games or stopped playing destiny. I enjoy both pvp and pve. I do not play as much end game content as I would like but would like to start. I have completed everything except Skolas just because it meant I'd have to resort to lfg and they always leave or starting yelling and raging at everyone ruining the experience for everyone. I am laid back, and enjoy helping people. I play on Xbox one with my dad who also joined SFC hearing that it is 18+ video gamers enjoying destiny but in a professional manner. My gt is ACExXxSHIKAKA and I play every night after work and some morning and days. I am happy to help with anything at anytime just add me and let me know what you need help with!!! :) happy hunting guardians!!

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        • 1
          Hey team...looking for a new clan...this is right up my gamers...ps4. Love to be a clan member. Anyone reading this can add me as a friend and we can kick some butt.

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