Hey team...looking for a new clan...this is right up my ally....adult gamers...ps4. Love to be a clan member. Anyone reading this can add me as a friend and we can kick some butt.
Edited by WolfYeti: 8/31/2015 2:42:10 AMJust read the bungie post, looking to start a clan of my own with similar interests. If you wouldn't mind friending Invictu87, I wouldn't mind taking overflow from the great idea you guardians have created. I only have a few friends at the moment that I'm able to play with on a regular basis, would enjoy a consistent fire team or two!! Keep up the great work SFC! Hope to see you in Iron banner or nightfalls. Dang, forgot to mention im on ps4......
Hello fellow guardians, I'm new to the group 45 years from Virginia and I always struggle to find a team to help with a vog, or a nightfall, I know I'm well behind in the game but I will appreciate it any help. I only have a few friends at the moment that and they are not playing the game, I have a Lvl 32 Warlock 27 Hunter working on my Titan,.... I'm on Xbox One.....Gt is the same.... Feel free to add me Thank you, I appreciate it any help .
30 years young. playing xb1 for a few months. looking for a fun and mature group of guys to group with and have a good time
21 years old, seasoned Xbox one player, moments of triumph completed, very laid back and patient would love to help others achieve their MOT, I will not abandon you in a raid, strike, POE etc. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. Have had some experiences with LFG players leaving me and others in the middle/end of skolas to ourselves. Because of that I make sure to let you know I will not abandon you. Eyes up guardian
Hi, I'm Noctis, I'm 19 and I really like the idea of helping people out. Im a level 34 Hunter and I also play a level 34 Warlock, I have lots of experience in a lot of areas in the game and I'd really like to help people.
Hi I'm OctoberM and I'm on the Xbox 1, and I would like to join your clan. I'm a loyal person who chill, and I also enjoy playing Destiny.
Hi guys. 27 year old day one player with a level 32 warlock and a level 32 hunter. After the dark below I put the game down for a while, because the lfg sites were very frustrating trying to find a decent group. But with the taken king around the corner I decided to jump back in and have some fun. I like the clan description, and hopefully being with this clan will make playing fun again haha. I'm trying to finish the moments of triumph, still need to beat Skolas, but more importantly I'm just liking to have a good time with a cool group. Add me and drop me a line when you're looking to play!
24, Disney Addict, Engaged IRL - old
Hey besides the age restriction what requirements are needed to join the clan? -
Edited by TeaTime: 8/31/2015 2:00:09 AMHi Guys I'm a lvl 34 Hunter add me on PS4 if you fell like doing any raids or whatever you have in mind.
WotansEye day one 3 level 34s add me if I can help anyone with whatever.
Hello everyone 32 gamer here just looking for some cool people to do raids, nightfall PvP and general destiny activities with. Been playing mostly solo since I got the game and it sucks lol but I hope to change that. Always looking to help out any player that needs it. I have a hunter and warlock at 34 and my titan is 33.Hope to game with you guys soon
Hello guys, I'm Siruall, just recently moved from 360 to Xbox one, so would like to join or invite people to tag along to year one activities and get ready for TTK. 3x34 Characters, experienced in both raids and PoE. I do enjoy playing crucible as well. A bit bout my self: currently living in London, UK. Working and studying wines & spirits. I'm on before work or on my days off which is usually Sunday and Monday. Cheers.
What's up my fellow guardians I'm 24 years old I have 3 guardians level 34 hunter level 34 warlock and a level 2 titan (I deleted my old titan) just looking for some laid back gaurdians to play with I'm pretty laid back and chilled I'm down for helping guardians out or just killing it in the crucible. Thank you for allowing me to post here looking forward to playing with you guys (I play ps4)
Very good write-up about your group. Sorry to see that it is full. I am a 50+ player and have never had luck with any of the LFG sites. Looking to join a group of mature players that don't mind helping someone out in the game. Would love to try some of the end game content. Haven't got a chance to try any raids, PoE runs or ToO stuff. I will keep a lookout for any future chances. Good Hunting in TTK!
Edited by xRise4Ever: 8/31/2015 12:47:14 AMHi, I think the description of this clan featured in bungie.net is what I've been looking for. My name is William, and I'm 28, I've been playing destiny since it came out. I really like to help others, and looking forward of playing with you. I'm on Xbox One: w5ill1i7am
Edited by Genesis1: 8/31/2015 12:47:09 AMHi I'm 29 yrs old and love destiny, just recently got back into it. I'm looking for a fun laid back group to raid and beat some ppl up with
Hey Everyone, 30 year old guy. Been playing Destiny for a while. Ive been looking for good group to run raids, T.O.O. and P.O.E with. If you are looking for someone to run POE, TOO, any raids or just need help with a mission. Feel free to hit me up anytime. PS4: the1nonly316
Edited by Red X 4456: 8/30/2015 11:40:38 PMHI, I'm over 18 and i have played destiny seen beta days. i have a level 34 titan and a 33 hunter and i am working on my hunter as of now. i would love to join and be a part of your clan. i hope you let me join your clan
Hi there, I'm 35, Destiny is the first FPS I've ever played, but I've been enjoying myself thus far. I understand you're full up on Clan members, but if I could be just a group member, I'm down with that! I usually frequently the Reddit forums when looking for groups, but this caught my eye on Bungie.net. My biggest fear and final challenge is beating Skolas before TTK comes out, so if you have any tips, or have any other members who want to give it a try, let this old lady know!
Hello I'm 25 and been looking for people to play with regularly. Destiny is my first FPS. I enjoy PvE more than the crucible. Looking forward to play with you guys. PS4: chester9072
Hey just sent in a request to join the sfc clan seems like a great player support orientated clan looking to help those in pve and the new TTK dlc yet to come. Im 19 and I love running raids and would like to find some people when the TTK comes out to complete the story missions and new raid.
Edited by Higgy: 8/30/2015 7:48:57 PMHey, 29 year old dude. Been playing Destiny since Christmas and haven't been in a clan. But lots of mmo gaming experience, enjoy helping others in game too. Looking for a group to do some raids and nightfalls with as I've still never done them. Have a Mic too. Ps4
Hey names Zero gt is Zerolost798! I'm 28 dude from Minnesota. I come from raid orientated games so familiar with mechanics and always willing to learn new fights! I currently only have a 32 warlock but I've hit a wall since I haven't actively come across people that want to party regularly. So clearing end game content is tough. I enjoy helping people and will generally always drop whatever I'm working on to help a friend with a fight or mission! Hit me up all I am looking for is a cool chill group of people I can pwn TTK with!
Hello, I'm 18 and looking for people to party up with I have one other buddy to play with but we'll that's not enough for some of the content I want to play. I'm willing to help people level up and I'm currently a level 32 warlock sunsinger on PS4 the gt is Legally_Random and I look forward to having more allies in Destiny.
Hey I'm a 23 years old Swedish guy who want to play with some nice helpful players, I started playing 4 months ago. So if you need help or a someone to just talk to add psn groljin 😃