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Shadow Forged Council

"Not all guardians are forged in light."

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  • Mission Statement

    Established in 2015, we were the first Destiny clan to be featured by Bungie. We accept members aged 18+ only, and are active on PS4 only. Our focus is on the end game, and also the PVP scene. Meaning our activity includes raiding (non schedule based), standard crucible, iron banner, and trials of osiris. We look for friendly and helpful individuals, who are motivated to lead groups and overcome the toughest challenges Destiny has to offer, while maintaining a respectful environment. HOW TO JOIN: Message Guledan, including your age, in game experience, and what you as a player seek to accomplish in our clan. Any questions, or concerns may be answered by Guledan. Thank you for visiting our clan page, and as always we hope you enjoy your stay in SFC.

  • Membership

    6015 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
8/28/2015 9:19:54 PM

(Founder Post) New members of SFC please read.

As many of you have seen, our clan was featured on The growth rate of the clan has been incredible! Sadly, there is a cap limit of 100 clan mates. Do not let this hold you back from joining us. Regular clan members may still post in the clan wall/forum to find groups for end game activities. AGE QUESTIONS- In the article we announced that we are an 18+ clan. We typically do not make exceptions to this rule. Members who are found to be underage will end up being removed from the clan. We're simply adults who play with other adults, I promise it's nothing personal. As far as members asking me to kick someone so they can become a clan mate, that is not going to happen. If you wish to be a clan mate, play with us! Show our admin team what you're all about and when the time comes I promise you'll have an opportunity to rep the clan name on your emblem! If anyone has other questions they would like answered please leave them on this thread. It's difficult for me to keep up with all the private messages. Thank you all, we hope you enjoy your stay with SFC!

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  • Im in Vanguard Reaperz and we had the same problem. Maybe consider making SFC2 and alliancing them immediately.

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  • Hey hey! Im looking to join your clan if possible. Im a 23 year old father with a stay at home fiance and a 10 month old son that plays destiny as much as possible and love the game to its core. If you would accept me into your clan family it would be greatly appreciated. Im a playstation guy. Psn name is Jarvisq. Thanks guys!

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  • Hello, I play on Xbox One and mainly a PVE player! I have been here since day one and played ever chance I got, as along as I have Internet. I have been away all summer and now being back at school I'm trying to catch up and lvl as much stuff up as possible before The Taken King release on 9/15! I have 3 34's and have been running skolas to get end game gear. I could always use help finding a team for skolas!

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    4 Replies
    • Hello everyone, I play on XBOX1 and am always looking to group up and do whatever. GT: LLXDEVILDOGXLL (caps dont matter but just wanted you to know the right letters. add me or send me a team invite. Thanks for the add SFC.

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    • Hello everyone. I'm new to the group and on PS4, same name as on here if you want to add me. I'm a day one guardian, but took a break after TDB, started playing again about a month ago. I have a lvl34 Warlock(main) and lvl34 Titan. I look forward to running with everyone. I will be on around 8pm central time tonight and would love to do Skolas if anyone could help, last thing I need for Triumphs.

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    • Edited by boardAholic: 8/29/2015 3:22:09 PM
      Age 28 male need help with vault of glass n nightfall activities I love destiny and am purchasing the new limited ps4 bundle have played on ps3 and xbox1 played for days as I'm sure you all have and never actually completed a nightfall or anything else that is impossible by myself please help....

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      • Edited by VacantRAZOR: 8/29/2015 8:10:43 PM
        Hello there! I tried to send a request to join your clan, but it is full. So how would I go about joining your clan? I live in California, am 25 years old, and mostly play during the night. I would absolutely like to play Destiny with you guys. I have it on Xbox One, have been playing it for 3 1/2 months, and I love it! I have never really had anybody to play PvE with though, and I was wondering if I could have some help completing both Crota's End and Vault of Glass on Hard Mode, as well as completing Skolas' Revenge (PoE) to finish the Year One achievement. I'm also looking for some people to play Trials of Osiris with, so if you know any gamers who are pretty good at Trials of Osiris, please let me know. This sounds like an awesome clan, and I look forward to gaming with you guys! Please friend me on Xbox Live: VacantRAZOR Thanks!

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      • I'm sure having your group featured in a Bungie article is going to make this clan very popular. This especially true since you cater to older players, like myself (38 yrs old), who are looking for like minded people to participate in Destiny's many Fireteam based, Heroic Missions, Strikes, and challenges. I understand there are no spots available in your Clan right now. I hope that at some point I'll be able to join this Clan, or another like it, so I'll have a connection to other like minded Destiny players. Until then I'll keep playing through Destiny on my own. Hopefully I will run into some SFC players while doing so. I like your clan's name and mission statement. Keep up the good work and good luck out there.

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        2 Replies
        • Great group you have here! Really like that keeping your core focus in playing and enjoying destiny while helping others to do the same! Great focus to have and would like to be apart of that at some point if there is room in the clan. Gamer tag is Grimmjow0106 😉👍

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          2 Replies
          • Hey there. Tried to request join but your full. So how would i go about playing with you guys? Im 38yrs old and play nights during the week and early morning on weekends. I look forward to meeting you all.

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            2 Replies
            • im wanting to join a clan for the TTK im a team player and love to do anything with cool people see you soon

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            • Edited by WheelBite: 8/29/2015 7:00:45 PM
              Hey guy's I saw your post on and would like to join this group or find one similar. I'm 22 years old and in the military. I don't have anything against playing with younger people but sometimes its nice to just hang out and play with people my age or older. I don't always have much time to play but when I do I'm on for a long time. I'd like to find a group that likes to get stuff done and have fun at the same time. I don't always have many people to play with and rely on Destiny LFG for groups but I would like something more, something like this group. So if anyone has suggestions or is in a similar clan please reply to this comment or send me an invite on Xbox One. Thanks!

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            • Hello, I'm 52 and love the game. Been playin' since the release. this clan sounds like where I belong. Friend me on ps4 Psn: pynk

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            • Hi folks! I am an adult player that is always willing to play with other adult players . I am always trying to improve my skills,but the most important aspect for me is to have fun.Im looking to build a group of solid, laid back,guardians , to play with on a fairly regular basis .I enjoy all pve,as well as pvp activities.Iam on west coast time,and generally play in the morning and afternoon.If you are looking to build a group of skilled, fun,players,please feel free to add me on ps4: videojames77 .It would be awesome to have a skilled,fun,and familiar group to explore all the new content with, when TK comes out,and im wiling to help you get your guardian ready ,if needed,inthe mean time.Look forward to gaming with you!

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            • Edited by Hatsune Miku: 8/29/2015 6:04:38 PM
              hello im 22 years old and i would like some help on Crota's end raid on hard difficulty so that i can finally complete my Moments of triumph and get the year one emblem any help will be highly appreciated i play everyday in the morning around 6 a.m and at nights around 10 P.m( U,S central time) so if anyone is willing to help me let me know thanks (im on PS4 }

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            • Hello! I'm 22yrs old and I play with my dad on Destiny. We are always looking for help and to help others especially the new players. We love when they come play Pack of Wolves with us and even though we constantly have to revive them, we love that the get to share in the spoils. We play everyday...I mean EVERYDAY. The only things we have to complete before TTK are the raids. We would love to help and be helped others. Hopefully we can join your clan or any others who are looking for the same thing! Thanks! Gamer tags (xbox360): BickeringPath02 (me), Rune Writer (my dad)

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            • Hey what's going on everyone I'm new to Playstation 4 I been on Xbox one for basically almost all of year one. I am officially migrated over to Playstation due to extra content and we'll I'll be playing Destiny more here. I started Sunday and made lv 32 on Wednesday with some ok weaponry. I'm more then happy to help anyone and group up to do anything feel free to add me on both consoles. Xbox one GT - Wr3k0niz3 and Playstation 4 - Happycha0s22. Also if you guys can help with Vault Of Glass hard mode, Crota Hardmode and hopefully get Skolas 35 just once I be very grateful since if I can definitely get some help to get My Moment Of Triumph on Playstation. I love PvE and PvP just when you add my GT please let me know it's from the clan thabks again looking foward to playing with you all

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            • Hello, I am 30 yrs old and would like to join. I play almost everyday and would like to help others and get help with POE, VOG and EOC missions. Let me know when I can join. Thanks

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            • I am 47 yrs old and try to play daily. I really need a team that will help me get through the raids and the PoE top 3 levels. I have not completed any of the raids so any adsistance will be greatly appreciated. Dark_Angel0328.

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            • Hello everyone, I am Caleb, 20 years old and am willing to help anyone that requires my attention. I unfortunately do not have the DLC (yet) I play on Xbox one, so if anyone wants to come and play some crucible with me or whatever you need just message me. :)

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              1 Reply
              • My age is 19 I'm above 18+ ;) I'm on destiny when iron banner hits sometimes and I'll be on the taken King when it hits as well. But I won't play this game most of the time because I'll have other games to play and I do have all 34s. but recently I've deleted my hunter because I didn't like the way his face looked. So I made a new hunter ohh and I'm a year one destiny player with good guns some are not fully upgrade because I left the game when I got all of them for a game called neverwinter

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                1 Reply
                • I saw y'all clan name on and that's big for y'all congratulation on being feature. I'm 17 years old but I would like to join y'all clan. Y'all sound so chill and all dude and I'm normally on around 7 eastern time and normally playing strike and everything in destiny. Normally I'm quite and don't speak much, but I'm very chatty and I speak two language. And sometime i help people that want help and all. But I'm looking for clan to join and have fun. Like in halo, I don't mind they're older people in clans. But again congratulation on being feature. My GT for xbox is animewolfkiller. Congrats you guys! n.n)/

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                • Edited by el Baltazar : 8/29/2015 3:23:58 PM
                  Hello, Just joined after reading about your clan on the feature 31 years old in California. Mostly play later at night between 9-10 pm till about midnight or 1 am. looking for people to kill stuff with. Currently need both VOG & Crota in Hard mode to Finish year one Achievement Hit me up anytime, I am On PSN: EL_Baltazar_007

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                • Hi, im (name above) and i have been looking for a clan for a while now and I am very excited that bungie is doing that new series. I think itbcan be helpful for many of their players. I have been playing since Alpha and never stopped. I am on PS4 and if you wanna add me my name is (name above). I do absolutely everything Destiny has to offer weekly and daily. Hopefully I can be able to play with you guys, have fun, and possibly become a member someday. Oh and I'm an 18 year old senior in HS.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Add me DESTROXO PS4 34 maxed gunZ and Armor X3. eastern zone.

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                  • I would like to join the clan if you still have room. I am 37 yrs old and play regularly and am willing to do my part.

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