Titan: defender Hardlight LDR The culling This works great with hardlight
Fang of Ir Yut/Mida Multi Tool Icebreaker /Praedyths Revenge/Light of the Abyss Hunger of Crota/Jolders Hammer/Thunderlord Few others thrown in just depending on burns..if all three are on then usually Fang/Praedyths/Hunger and got all three covered
PVP: Gheleon's Demise, Felwinter's Lie, and Corrective Measure/Radegasts Fury/Gjallahorn PVE: Fatebringer/Black Hammer/Gjallahorn The PVE only changes based on needs or burns for nightfall and weekly heroic.
Over soul edict Ice breaker Hunger of crota
Fate bringer------I've breaker/P&T------admonisher/deviant gravity
Scout rifle (either The Calling or VoC) Icebreaker Hunger of Crota Change based on nightfall situations and other things, though.
PVP: Shadowprice/invective/Harm's Way MG (I don't ever change this load out) PVE: Changes constantly, but I prefer scout rifles for primaries.
PvE Bad Juju, Black Hammer, Song of Ir Yût
Pve: badger w high caliber and firefly, IB, hunger of crota Pvp: thorn, murmur, hunger of crota
Edited by Wolf_Odinson: 3/15/2015 5:32:51 AMPvE: B-Line Trauma Invective (Murmur for Public Events) MG18A Harm's Way (Truth for Public Events) PvP (only play Crucible for bounties): B-Line Trauma Invective Swarm (void)
Depends on the day. I guess I run with evergreen and two to the morgue in pvp regularly. Everything else is just part of the rotation.
Fang of ir yut , icebreaker , hunger of crota :)
pvp thorn, secret handshake, corrective measure pve red death/fate bringer, icebreaker/swordbreaker, and hunger of crota/ghorn (WHEN I GET ONE)
Pvp loadout gets changed up depending on the map but typically has a scout rifle/hand cannon/vex, sniper/fusion, and an HMG unless needing rockets for a bounty. PvE varies widely per situation - let's start with CE HM or normal Abyss/lamps/Thrallway - MIDA, sword breaker/Efrideets spear, HoC Bridge - fatebringer/Fang of Ir Yut/Word of Crota, swordbreaker/icebreaker, HoC/Ghorn Crota CP - Suros/Fang/Word, Efrideets spear, HoC/Ghorn VoG Fatebringer/Word/Vision, icebreaker/sword breaker, valedictorian 9-44 or HoC And then my individual toons are getting more specific buildouts as I go along, but for now the above is what I'm rocking.
PvP: Vex/Found Verdict/Jolder's Hammer PvE: Fatebringer/Efrideet's Spear (field scout)/Gjallahorn Raids: Similar's Wrath/Efrideet's Spear (firefly)/Gjallahorn
PvP: Universal Remote/Efrideet's Spear/Jolder's Hammer PvE: Fang of Ir Yut/Ice Breaker/Hunger of Crota Raids: Fatebrings/Blackhammer/Gjallahorn (except Crota Hard: Red Death/Blackhammer/Hunger of Crota)