"Knights of the PhoenixPS" Playstation clan now recruiting!!! We have 100+ members on the xbone side and are now building up the Playstation side. New members are being added daily. We recently beat the World record in Iron banner overall clan points with 42 million points with our xbone side. We are an end-game focused Destiny clan. International player base, co-ed friendly, adult. We do it all; Raids, ToO Lighthouse runs, Iron-Banner and more. We are looking for more competitive minded Destiny players that will put the CLAN FIRST. We use a messaging app on our mobile devices for group chat/LFG so communication is outstanding and makes finding people a lot quicker and easier. Go to https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1331158 join the group and the admins will contact you shortly!!!
Edited by TheTorpedoVegas: 10/26/2015 2:35:49 PMAdd me, I play evenings when the kids go to bed and usually with a few others from DoD. gt is same as above and I'm usually on after 8pm MST, sometimes earlier Xbox one
Add me agentarcher86. Wife and I play when kids go to bed. I do trials and we both run kings fall. We play with other late 20s early 30s players. Just heads up we're pretty crass and joke a lot, so if you have thick skin you'll fit in
You can add me psn decepticon76
You can add me psn Str8_Asian_Kila
I am perfect! Same situation. Also have a few other guys I rub late night with, I'm 36. Sometimes a clan can be more than just a game, it can be family. That's what we are at The 55s. We have been gaming together since 2007 realizing that games come and go, but The 55s remain. We're a PS4 clan. We are a mature group of like-minded gamers who believe in supporting each other and building through teamwork. We have a dedicated website where we are very active in socializing with each other. This is where we coordinate events, clan battles and shoot the shit through forums, blog posts etc... With our roots deriving from COD and Battlefield, we are looking for Destiny players to join our core Destiny group and build on it. We have a solid core group of Destiny Guardians and are here to help. We have experienced raiders who can help you through the Kings Fall Raid. We have a proven application process that ensures our members get along and believe in the same core values. If you're at least 17 years of age and want to be part of something that will last. Message me and I will explain the recruitment process. Looking forward to hearing from you Guardian.
Howdy! clan connection is down with dod.net, BUT! this link will take you to posts including clan recruitments until its back https://www.bungie.net/en/View/Search?all=DoD Clans the way to go to start building a friends list and regular teams
You should check out wolf pack a DoD xb1 group I just put together trying to get it going https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1327333
Add hazrdus2002. me and a few others are in the same boat
Same here. robcoolin = PSN. PS4. East Coast. I play after 10 pm. (Basically after my 22 month old finally falls asleep…)
Same here clan that I joint just ain't cutting it, psn is the same as screen name I have gotten close to end just never have people online to raid
Edited by Born-H3llr4iser9: 10/26/2015 1:16:50 AMPs3 add Born-H3llr4iser9. Looking for same things.
Check out Sakage Raiders. We're a Registered DoD X1 clan.
Same here, my time zone is east coast and I play after like 7pm. My psn name is TonkacrazyTANK.
i am after the saqme kinda thing psn name is adzsuperchef,,add me