So I have to reproduce in order to play with you? Ok I'll brb.
Hey Man, I'm in. I'm an all around player... typically hold a 1.5-1.8 k/d in most fps. I'll be in for pvp but not before I get my gear together in pve. I want to have at least one heavy and a good assault rifle. PSN ID- POPEBEAR
I'll be up for a spot of pvp, PvE player but I want to enjoy all aspects of destiny! :-) if you need a human shield im your man!
Psn: knightOak Count me in so long as a sub 1.0 k/d in BF is welcome to shoot em up with you
I used to play MLG Customs back in the day. Definitely looking for some good communicators. Add me PSN: Fox_Larson
Psn ps4: nvtdcrkr
I'd be down for that. Though my current PVP is dark souls 2 so I might be out of shooting practice (unless you count lightning and arrows) lol
I play cod ghost right now on ps4. I am definitely up for pvp with an organized group.
Im big on cod ill prolly focus more on pve honestly but I do plan on dockin alot of hours in the crucible
Oh heck yes! Exactly what I was looking for bro. My PSN is ~ KyleTHEAnXiouZ ... Glad to see some other Fathers on here doing their thing still! :)
Yea go ahead and add me PSN: L-kahel Played a lot of COD, BF4. Usually run solo, but it would be cool to get a good team going.