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lv27 titan as well; also with mic. I have been looking for a solid group to do things like this with for some time now... Add me, psn (ps4): ndv2 The most important thing with a group like this, don't continue until everyone is available again. Quickest way to ruin a group is to leave someone behind.
lv27 Titan with mic and have a friend lv 27 titan aswell with mic. were always wanting to do vog but don't know anyone to do it with PS3 name is Twisted_Woo add me we play most week nights and daytime weekends Canada alberta time zone
I am lvl 26 hunter with no VOG experience. I live in NY and have a mic and am available most evenings after 7pm. PSN ID is Imminent _Rueage
Hello hello. I'm PS3 gamer tag "Loki_ITI". I have yet to try the VOG. I don't have a mic unless any ole Bluetooth will work with PS3. If so the we are in business. Lemme know if you need a warlock lvl 27.
I'll be needing some guardians for tonight's raid. Send a friend request to X15LeConstable
I'm in the same boat bro. Haven't ran it yet but have pieced Intel on how to run it plus chest location. Won't be on until 7 est. Though. So let me know. 27 warlock gt: foxxymustache11
In jersey too, can run VoG now , first timer. 27 hunter, psn justin_300zx
Add me on ps4 . Me and my clan have ran the raid a few times have a bit of experience with it but have yet to down the final boss :( we have a group of about 8 people in the clan that are online frequently . Add me if you wana start runnin the raid with us psn: thehungrymonk
Edited by ScareCrow1202: 10/16/2014 4:03:04 PMSry wrong post.
level 28 hunter, haven't tried the vault, would like to, also have headset. but baby probably wouldn't let me play the whole thing through, i'm sure you all understand, so maybe on the weekend.. and i might die, just putting that out there. psn: aarondropdead
Looking for raid team. Have made it to templar twice but the people i play with usually have to cut it short. Add me if youre looking for a member. Ps4-siluncd
lev26 Warlock here; all mic'd up;never done VoG before, but looking for a group to run it with. Add me for any end-game pve; PSN Thorn1013
I am a level 27 Hunter. MADAKIRA77 is my tag. Add me if you haven't found a group.
Add me, I've not done before either,vets hard to get a team together, lvl 27 Warlock. psn psyko_rabbit