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Feel free to add my gt UsingScoopit. We try and run a raid on Tuesdays and Saturday nights. Tonight we are getting a crew together for an 8 pm est start. So far we have myself a lvl 29 hunter (just need my boots) and a lvl 29 titan. If your looking to do it tonight let me know.
I'm on a bunch, sporadically, but pretty frequently, and don't have enough friends that play to raid. GT: Darth Peterson
I'm on usually 5-7 est just look me up! Gt same as name
Edited by thumbs hurting: 10/31/2014 12:52:37 AMHello thumbs hurting is my gt 25 warlock have required gear for 26 just need to level boots and chest. I can do all strikes up to 24. Mainly looking for heroics/and strikes.
I'll add I'm get the most time on Saturday morning to evening and couple of evening days during the week
I'll add you. I normally on after 8 pm EST. Just send me a message if I'm on and you want to run the Raid.